Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If this isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen...

...then send me whatever it might be that you deem more adorable than this. A 5-year old girl and her dad MADE THIS VIDEO GAME. My heart is in a puddle. "Awww yeah."


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Harry Potter Madness

Thanks Ezzie <3

Day 1: Your fave book.
This is tough, I think I change favorites every time I read the series. I love 1 for being 1, 3 4, 5, and 7. Haha, basically the only one I dislike is 2...
Day 2: Your fave movie.
On the whole, I think the movies are terrible adaptations. I see them mostly so I can pick them to shreds. That being said, I cannot for the life of me explain it, but I do like 5.
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book.
Movies 1-7. All of them have things missing or wrong that should be in them and many of them have superfluous material. I don't understand why so detailed a book/culture could be shat on in such a way.
Day 4: Least fave female character and why.
Ginny. She's weird and awkward in both books and movies (oh god don't even get me started on movie-Ginny) and she should have disappeared after she played her damsel in distress role in 2
Day 5: Fave male character and why.
I love Sirius, I bawled my eyes out when he died. Closely followed by the twins, Lupin and Dumbledore
Day 6: What house would you want to be in.
I've always wanted to be sorted, cause I'd love to be told where I should go of the four of them. I guess I'd like to be in Gryffendor, they throw the best parties. lol

Day 7: Fave female character and why.
Tie: Tonks and Bellatrix. I love Tonks, cause she's just so sweet and relatable and wonderful. Even though she plays more of a minor role (and even more so, terribly, in the movies). Bellatrix is just so EVIL. I love it. Even if she did kill Sirius, my favorite male character. Honestly, one of the few things I like about the movies is HBC's portrayal of Bella. It sold me on her character.
Day 8: What do you think would be your fave lesson.
Probably charms. I feel like you'd learn the most useful spells there.
Day 9: Least fave male character.
Ron. He drives me nuts with his constant complaining, especially in the later books. And I feel like, while Hermione pulls a lot of the smarts and problem solving of the group and Harry does the grunt work, Ron contributes little. And he's standing in the way of my favorite pairing, Harry and Hermione.

Day 10: Horcruxes or Hallows.
Horcruxes. Once you take Voldy out, you're free to roam about collecting your little door prizes.
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like.
Haha, probably Tonks. Clumsey but well-intentioned.
Day 12: Fave partnership.
Tonks and Lupin.
Day 13: Least fave movie.
6 was even more awful then expected.
Day 14: Team Voldemort or Team Harry.
Harry of course.
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at Hogwarts. (three only)
Fred, George and Hermione
Day 16: Fave professor
McGonnegal or Lupin
Day 17: Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice.
I know it won't do the book justice. I can't help but be excited though, the franchise is a part of me <3
Day 18: Least fave book.
Chamber of Secrets, I don't really know why, maybe the excess of Ginny.
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films.
Books. Hands down. Always books.

Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be.
Richard Harris (the original Dumbledore) or Helena Botam Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange). Both are outright amazing.
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.
Sirius. Harry needs someone <3 Next would be Tonks and Lupin.
Day 22: Pick a favourite quote from any of the books/films
I'll try and pick a few. Basically anything Dumbledore says. Also:
"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -Sirius
"The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." Sirius (modified movie version, I actually like it better)
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry.
All of book 7, because it's over. Dobby's death in the 7.1 movie. I'm sure most of 7.2 just because it's the end of an era.
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t.
So many things. Among others, I wish they had done more of the horcrux foreshadowing and more of the pensive scenes from book 6 so that viewers got more back story on the whole horcrux deal.
Day 25: Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna.
I hate Harry/Ginny. I think their relationship is awkward and forced, but not nearly as much as Ron/Hermione. I think the only reason they were paired that way is so everyone got paired without marrying their sibling. Stupid. Also, Albus Severus? Really?

Day 26: If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be.
"Accio" What? I'm lazy.
Day 27: Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.
Invisibility Cloak!

Day 28: Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it.
Yes, I think it's hilarious and love the culture.
Day 29: Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical.
OMFG DID I EVER <3<3<3<3<3<3
Day 30: What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you
Harry Potter has literally been with me for basically my whole life. I picked the books up before the second one had even come out and cannot remember a time in my life when I was not counting the days until the next book's release. I waited on my doorstep at age 11, scanning the skies for an owl, my graduation party was Harry Potter themed, I listen to wizard rock, I love everything about the franchise. It's something I bond with my little brother over, it's something I share with my friends, it's an amazing series that has meant so much to me literally throughout my entire life and as pathetic as you may think it, I think it's defiantly impacted me as a person and helped me become who I am now.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New Look, Can Ya Dig It?

Turn to an entry in your journal or diary from a year or more ago. What has changed and what has stayed the same since then?

"I guess you could argue my affinity for dressing up and hats means I'm not happy with myself and feel the need to adopt other personas to make me feel complete. And I would reply that you're not a certified psychologist and that you should back off. And then you might argue that I just self-diagnosed myself, indicating a whole host of other problems. In which case I would say that you diagnosed me. Then you might remind me I am having an entire hypothetical conversation with myself on my blog. In which case I might agree to go see someone..." May 2010
So, as you can see, not a whole lot has changed about me. This post is actually from one of my several on all the interesting things I found in my closet whilst cleaning it out pre-summer. Which is a coincidence seeing as I once again cleaned my closets and found equally as interesting things. So I'm still crazy, I'm still a pack rat, and I still have nothing to blog about during the summer. So that's comforting. As for what's changed, I have a significantly larger collection of costumes and a significantly lot less junk thanks to said cleanings. Also, instead of listening to Lady Gaga's "The Fame Monster" I'm now rocking out to "Born This Way" - which of course comes highly recommended, maybe a review later? Other than that, I think I'm the same old me, I really feel like I don't change a whole lot honestly. Oh, I have bangs? But I think I had those last summer?

What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask?
I talk a lot. And write a lot. And take a lot of surveys. So there isn't a whole lot I can think of that no one's asked me before, to be honest (cue shameless plug, I'm back on formspring, so if you DO think of something to ask me, please by all means do. I welcome a challenge. Plus it relieves my near-constant boredom). But on the whole I'm a pretty open person, for gods sake I write a blog about myself and my terribly uninteresting life. I love talking.

Robert Frost write a poem titled The Road Not Taken. Name a road you’ve always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you, and what might you see on the way?
A specific road? Or a hypothetical road? I've always wanted to take a road trip across America. By car, with nothing but a suitcase full of my important shit, a digital camera full of memory cards, a carload of friends and an iPod full of music. When I go anywhere with my friends, I feel like - not to sound cheesy - but the journey is as fun as the destination. I want to see the United States, not like monuments and national parks (been there, done that) but stupid things, the world's biggest ball of twine, tiny waterfalls hidden away from beaten tourist trails, tiny clubs and hole in the walls where bands I'll never hear of again play, thrift shops filled with crazy vintage shoes and rocking chairs, gorgeous old houses alongside lakes and trash dumps alike. I just have an insane itch to GO SOMEWHERE. But there are so many millions of places to go, how does one go about choosing?! Where do I hope it takes me? Enlightenment, worldly-ness, experience, sense-of-self, California, I don't know?

Name one thing you always wanted to do, but haven’t. What has prevented you from doing it?
Hm. How about a list:
  • I always wanted to dress as a group of superheros for Halloween. [No one else wanted to.]
  • I always wanted to be a rock star. [Not that it matters that much anymore, but I don't have the talent.]
  • I always wanted to sleep outside, under the stars. No tent, no nothing. Maybe on my trampoline for comforts sake. [I'm not really sure why I've never done this. Anyone up for it?]
  • I always wanted to travel. [Time, money, logic, fear.]
  • I always wanted to have a laser tag birthday party. [I decided that at age 18 and it's not that socially acceptable at that age...]
  • I always wanted to make my prom dress. [Time, laziness, skill, love of shopping.]
  • I always wanted to learn piano. [Laziness, lack of musical skill.]
Write about your first kiss. Was it everything you wished or hoped it would be?
I included this question for the sake of representing every question on this list. I will  not, however, be answering it. SORRY!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh Good, You All Made It...

So, for those of you thinking I stopped blogging I'd been vaporized into salvation in the Rapture, I thank you for thinking so highly of me...lol, trust me, if rapture had occurred I'd be down here kickin demon ass with the other 98% of the world. Isn't that what's supposed to happen? My money was on a repeat of the whole 40-days-40-nights of rain, but I suppose it was anybody's rapture...Now, let me start by saying as much fun as I poke at rapture and the crazies that propagate such rumors, I still nearly shat myself sitting on a train at 6pm watching the sky darken and the heavens rain down and expecting hellfire at any moment. Not that I was expecting it, but there's always the chance.

But my brain might as well have had a rapture, because I've got absolutely nothing to write about (which explains my absence from this blog...). So how about this, I'll just share some of the shit I've been up to in my absence, and if you don't care, well then...to hell with you.

"Barbara Streisand" Duck Sauce
"(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You" Ingrid Michaelson (cover)

"Judas" Lady Gaga
"Blow" Ke$ha
"Pocket Full of Sunshine" Natasha Bedinngfield (haha, thank you 'Easy A'
"Tiger Mountian Peasent Song" First Aid Kit (cover)
"So Bad" Eminem
"Honesty" Austin Renfroe
"Bad Romance" Skrillex Remix

"Easy A"
Fuse's 7-Days of Gaga Special
"How I Met Your Mother"
"That 70's Show"

"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" - not to shabby, maybe a review to come?

Pink flamingo slippers
Phillies boxers
Flip Flops
BAMF Pirate Costume

Bobby's Burgers (omg so delicious)

Kiwi Frozen Yogurt
Triscuts <3<3<3
Joshuas from Wawa

Comic Book Heels! (hint - someone invite me to an event I can wear these to!!!!!)
Baseball cookies for the little bro's b-day

Finn backpack (pardon the cell phone myspace pic)
 Super-Fancy Facinators

Friday, May 6, 2011

Survey Time

So, as anyone on Facebook could tell you, I'm an avid taker of those stupid surveys that carried over from teenagers on Myspace and now make their way around circles of your Facebook questions. These things usually start with something like "Are you ready to get personal?" or "Okay, be 1000% honest on these questions" which, I mean, why would I take a survey if I was just going to lie anyway?! Next they basically just ask you all sorts of questions about who you last texted and who you've kissed and how many piercings and tattoos you have/had/want and have you said "I love you to anyone today" etc. Basically, they all ask the same damn things, even though most of them brag originality and depth in their opening sentence. So, as I took yet another one of these stupid things (because that's what I do when I'm bored - judge away, I don't care. It's probably one of the most normal things you've learned about me on this blog) I thought about how much of a better survey I could make, or really any carbon-based life form with two brain cells to rub together that wasn't a pre-teen girl could make. So, here it is, my own personal survey. Free for the taking (ie: I want to see this going around Facebook in the near future)

Okay, get ready for some originally. Swear on the grave of your most recently deceased goldfish that you will be completely honest in all of your answers. No goldfish? Wtf, have you never been to a fair?! Pause, go to a fair, win a goldfish, wait five to seven hours, then return, having sworn on his/her grave.

What fruit best describes you and why?

Have you ever played the trombone? Do you know anyone who has?

How many songs are on your iPod/Zune/mp3-carrying device?

How many feet are in the building you are currently in?

What is the last concert you've been to?

What is your favorite Star Wars movie (note: If you have not seen Star Wars, please pause again, watch the complete saga, then return with an intense hatred of Jar-Jar and an educated answer)

What is number one on your bucket list?

What is your standard Rita's order?

What's your worst quality? Best?

What is the last gaming system you played?

Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs (flight=more than like, one.)?

How fast did you run the mile?

How many pairs of Converse sneakers do you currently own?

How do you like your eggs?

What were you last Halloween? What's the one thing you always wanted to be for Halloween but never were?

How many texts are in your inbox right now? How many are locked?

What are your plans for two days from now?

Who is your favorite band?

Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Favorite place to eat?

Are you any good at DDR?

Marvel or DC? Who's your favorite superhero?

If I handed you a blank round-trip plane ticket that allowed you to go anywhere, where would you go?

Does your mom wear glasses?

Top five favorite snack foods:

Put your iTunes/music library on shuffle, what is the third song that comes up?

Where's the best beach you've ever been to?

Are your parents on Facebook?

Do you use reusable bags when out shopping?

What is your favorite font?

When did you stop trick-or-treating?

When you go to the mall, what store do you spend the most time in?

What's one movie you've always wanted to see but never have?

What's your favorite cartoon?

Are you one of those people who doesn't really see a difference between using your/you're and there/their/they're when writing informally?

If I gave you $50 right now, what would you most likely spend it on?

What's the most impressive bit of procrastination you've done and still managed a good grade?

What's the last book you read of your own choosing?

Currently, your favorite song is what?

What's your guilty pleasure?

If you had the power to eliminate one thing from the world, what would it be?

Did you ever own a Furby?

If so, was that your choice for "thing to eliminate from the world"?

What is the worst book to film adaptation you've ever seen?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Five More Journaling Prompts

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and what would you do if later on you changed your mind?
I mean, I like to tell myself I can change whatever I want about myself. But I know that's not entirely true. I assume this question is one of those wave-a-wand-and-change-this questions. In which case I'm going to be totally vain and say I'd chance my appearance. And if I didn't like it later, I'd change it again. And again. Etc.

What are your religious beliefs? Have they changed, or have they always stayed the same?
I was born and raised Catholic. But I don't like to talk religion. Mostly because religion and politics are many times deeply rooted within one another and both are topics that I don't like having conversations about in any other venue but face-to-face. Because I believe both are increasingly touchy subjects and by writing my views I am having a totally one-sided conversation about such matters. And I don't want anyone to feel attacked in their beliefs nor do I want people attacking me. My personal philosophy is believe whatever you want to, whatever you need to to be happy and it's not invading other people's rights to do the same. If you want to believe a master-race of jellyfish spaghetti monsters planted us here as an energy resource, than go right on ahead. Who am I to tell you you're wrong. Because really, we can fight about it until the end of time, but until we pass, we'll never know who was right. And by that point, it'll be too late to rub it in anyways. I think religious is a beautiful thing for people and there's no denying faith has done incredible things for people. Personally, I'm just wanderin.

When was your last food craving, and what did you crave?
I mean, I'm pretty sure my last food craving was leftovers. I LOVE leftovers, cold, for some odd reason. And obviously at school there are none available to me. Before that (and currently) it was tomato and mozzarella. And Mike-n-Ikes, now that I think about it...

Who was your first crush and what made them special?
Jordan. Jordan M from kindergarten through second grade. I remember it like it was yesterday. Basically, he paid attention to me and played tag with me on the playground and may have given me my first pokemon card. A Pidgy. &lt;3 And damn it, if that's not the way to win my heart I don't know what is. And damn me if my mom ever will drop this boy either. She still runs into his mother periodically even though we moved, so basically I don't think I'll ever live this one down...

Name your most cherished childhood memory.
(Okay, bear with me on this one). I remember a lot of small details from being a kid, pieces of memories and experiences, but nothing I would categorize as 'most cherished.' The one thing I miss the most is the imagination that I used to have. The feeling of anything being possible, the lack of a grasp of reality. The feeling that on my eleventh birthday that it was completely and totally realistic to expect a tawny barn old to swoop down from the skies and whisk me off to wizarding school and that Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen could quite feasibly be my best friends (I used to love them). I miss being able to conjure quests and adventures from nothing, whip up plot lines and create characters and play pretend and no one gave it a second thought, least of all myself. I guess my most cherished memory of being a kid was...being a kid?

Please forgive any errors, it's late and spell check isn't working. I'll revise tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Krysti vs. Personality Tests

I love doing personality tests. StumbleUpon always sends me to the best ones, but I think over the course of two years of being a bored, short-attention spanned college student, I've taken my fair share. But you know what's terrifying about personality tests, is when they know more about you than you do. Cause even though you try and not "lie" in any certain terms, but...answer questions the way you WISH you were (ie "Are you a risk taker?" "Hell yeah!" - False- I am a pansy) they always fucking know exactly who you are - more than you do! And the thing is, whenever you get a result that you're like - dang! that's not me at all! then you start freaking out because then it's like "oh snap is this how other people see me? How did I not know I was a micromanaging, predictable shell of a human being? Does everyone else know? Why didn't they say something? Will they still like me?!" It's a terrible anxiety, being personality tested. For example, Misters Myers and Briggs classified me as ENTJ or "The Executive." Now, at first I was like "hellz no bitch, you don't know me! I'm a teacher, a warm-hearted caring, personable - ahh who am I kidding." But I didn't think I was 'an executive' by any means. Then, today I was elbow deep in defrosting fridge because no one else in my room had time to clear out our damn fridge today (love you guyssss) and as I dumped out old congealed coffee, milk, OJ - I'll spare you details - I realized how managerial I can be. Not in a CEO Devil-Wears-Prada kind of way, but more like a mom-ish kind of way. As in our floor would never get vacuumed, trash never get emptied, fridge would be festering with mold by now. Needless to say - MIND BLOWN. Those dang psychologists know me better than I do! So I decided to be honest with myself. And the best way I find to do this is to write (stream of consciousness of course, you know me). Now, ladies and gents, please put away your world's tiniest violins, this is not a cry for help or attention, nor is it an invitation to my own personal pity party (trust me, only one invite goes out for that - Mr. Jack Daniels....KIDDING KIDDING. Alcohol is yucky). But, it's terribly therapeutic to just write shit out. So here goes. This is my inner monologue trying to be honest with itself. Prepare yourself. Actually, in all honesty, you can just skip down to the bottom if you want to. It's kind of just journaling (it's actually quite healthy. Just kind of narcissistic to post it online like I do...)

I micromanage like it's my job. I'm condescending. Small talk annoys the shit out of me I make terrible first iimpressions because I'm terrified people wont like me.I care too much whether or not people like me.I don't know who I am other than a composite of my best friends. I don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. I don't know how to flirt. I can't put in contacts because I can't touch my eyes. Taking risks scares the shit out of me and I never do it. I avoid confrontation like the plague. Sometimes I feel like I get walked on all the time. I plan incessantly, I can't just let life come to me. I'm afraid of being a horrible daughter and older sister. Failure terrifies me. I don't want to die alone but other people stress me out. I have no censor on what I say. I lack the patience and perseverance to try anything too hard - like music. I give up too easily. I'm too organized in all the wrong ways and not organized when it counts. I have little patience for others incompetence. I worry far too much. I waste too much time on the Internet. Blogging is my tiny little Internet space where people are just paying attention to me and I relish in that. I can't do anything without a plan. I can't talk to boys. I'm terrible at comforting people when they're crying. Often I think I'm a terrible person to others cause I tend to make most of my jokes at the expense of  others. I make more references to YoutTube videos than famous literature.  I deal with things by avoiding them. I've been told I give great advice but none of it is firsthand. Meeting new people stresses me out because I don't know what they've heard about me and I don't want to disappoint. I can't be funny when people are expecting it, I just stutter and slur my words. I wonder how much of myself is genuine but stop wondering for fear of the answer. I worry about being alone for the rest of my life. I want to travel so bad. Sometimes I feel small-minded and feadon't want to dream too big for fear not achieving it. I don't wear my hair up because I think I look like a boy. I pretend that I know harmonies to songs, even though I have no idea what I'm talking about. Sometimes I feel like all my classes are common sense, then I feel like a complete asshole. When I do group work I have to be in charge because most other people don't know how to make Power Points. I can't make public speeches because I'm afraid of having everyone in the room judge me at once. I can't stand people with underformed personalities. If you drive me nuts chances are I won't tell you. If I try and be honest with you I'll demand eye contact because I feel like I compliment people so often that sometimes I seem insincere and eye contact is my remedy for that.

Phew! That was oddly refreshing after being cooped up for so long either taking or studying for finals! Moral of the story. Take personality tests, be real with yourself and admit your flaws. Not only is it intensely cleansing, putting them out there for someone or no one to read adds a thrill to the whole thing. My personal favorite personality tests (though I'm no psych major...):

Briggs Myers
The Big Five - as recommended by a psych friend :)
True Colors - use this quiz to get your color and look it up elsewhere, unless you want to buy their book..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Krysti's Tips for Taking Finals

So, considering this is my fourth round of finals, I consider myself to be a bit of an old hand. So, for those of you second (or even first?) timers, and even some fellow veterans, I'm putting this list together. Partially because I like to blog to debrief from studying, partially because my view-count is plummeting because I never post but mostly because I love you all and care deeply about your mental well-being.

  1. Snacks. Snacks are a vital part of any studious kids survival kit. They are equal parts practical and distraction and make you the hit of any study session (hint: if there will be girls, bring chocolate). Make them more relevant by picking snacks that fit your material (ex: Loof and I enjoyed chocolate milk and sushi while studying for our Botany final because both contain seaweed, which is a plant). Generally my go-to snack is tortilla chips, Mike-n-Ikes or anything from Sugar Bowl.
  2. Breaks. I when I mean breaks, I mean stop all work. Not like, oh I'll stop reviewing special ed to start reviewing math. I'm talking leave your desk, close your computer (SAVE ANY CHANGES FIRST!) go on a walk, stand up, chat with your roommates, etc. If you're just looking for something shorter, watch a youtube video or something. Anything to de-stress your brain and stretch its muscles before another intense cram-session.
  3. Music. A strong, studious playlist is important. It must factor in the intensity of material (reviewing/teaching yourself shit because it was never covered in class), your mood and the extent of your iTunes. Currently my three main playlists are as follows: Star Wars/LotR soundtrack playlist, Ke$ha, acapella music or a genius playlist based on "Dog Days are Over." Maybe I'll post a playlist for you guys later tonight.
  4. Facebook. Sign yourself off if you plan on doing work. No excuses. That's my advice.
  5. Markers. Even if there is absolutely no system behind it, for some reason writing with fine-point markers (I like the PaperMate ones best) improves my neatness in note-taking by leaps and bounds. Plus you can actually use the color to your benefit, whether it be sorting information or highlighting key ideas.
  6. Study Groups. Like snacks, they are equal parts motivation and distraction. While helping you to both stay sane and understand shit you may have missed in class, study sessions (provided you actually like the people you're with) can provide a nice balance between sanity and studying. Note: only effective until like 2am maximum. After that, all usefulness deteriorates pretty quickly.
  7. Time Management. Let's be real, you can't know everything. It's impossible. It's stastically been proven that your brain would explode. Prioritize information and only study the big ideas that you'll get the most mileage out of. Especially for essays. Most of that is BS anyway.
  8. Energy Drinks. A Pepsi max, a Starbucks caffenated drink, and some crazy energy drink, all at one computer. Clearly this kid's got the right idea.

Sorry this was terribly practical and not very entertaining, that's pretty much how my brain is right now. But good luck to all on finals! More entertaining shit later.

An Attempt at Actually Writing a Post

As opposed to just spamming you with funny videos and links to random shit. GLaDOS just showed me these 80 journal writing prompts (probably as a hint my blog's been boring as shit lately - sorry guys!!). My current goal is to write at least a little bit on each of them. Starting now, as I retreat deep into one of my frequent study breaks....

Name something you lost or gave away that can never be replaced.
I don't really have anything deep or scandalous to put here like "my dignity" or "my heart" (although, it's debatable that they latter is on lease...). But, for some reason the first thing other than the typical deep answers to come to my mind was my Loony Toons water bottle. It was this awesome purple thing with Daffy Duck's head on top and a straw. When I was maybe, nine years old or so, I was waiting outside my house for my mom because we were going to Boscov's (I distinctly remember all this, I don't know why). I noticed my best friend at the time, was down the street so I jumped off the step and started running down our forty five degree driveway. Needless to say, I tripped, splitting my chin open in the process. My parents rushed me (clutching the aforementioned water bottle) to the emergency room for stitches. I don't remember anything at all - the pain, the blood, the panic, the surgery - all I remember is screaming bloody murder when I arrived home water bottle-less. I made my parents go back to the emergency room and look for it and for weeks afterward scouring every store I entered looking for another one, to no avail. Obviously still a sore spot...

What 5 websites do you visit often, and why?
Facebook is obviously number one. If you can say with any sincerity that Facebook is not your number one, or even in your top five, I idolize you. As much as I'll sit there and say that social networking sites are destroying our ability to communicate and are getting a little out of hand, I'm as hopelessly addicted to Facebook as anyone. I am not currently succumbing to any of the others (formspring, tumblr, twitter, myspace -is anyone still on myspace?). I think it stems from an innate desire of mine (I'm not here to project or to guess at anyone else's life tonight, this is about me) for attention, to have people care what I say, think I'm witty and pretty and briiiight. And by 'I think' I mean, I know but I'm still coming to terms with saying it for certain out loud. After the big FB would probably be yahoo and Marauder Mail (my email accounts) then DeviantArt (art website - dur) and then probably a tie between this blog, freetetris.com, stumbleupon, collegehumor.com/dorkly.com and dearblankpleaseblank (all of which have gotten shout outs here before).

Name a totally useless possession and how you came to acquire it.
Oh gosh, I'm such a collector, I have so many useless possessions - which is terrible. I'll try and think of one...okay. I own a college-level genetics textbook. I am not nor have I ever been a science major nor have I or will I ever need to take a genetics course in high school or college. I am just a fucking weird kid and as a high school sophomore found it in the FREE bin outside the library and really liked the genetics we did in Biology so I took it. Haven't opened it since. Although I think I once used it to flatten something out for an art project...I wonder if I can get any money for it on Chegg?!
What music album would be used for a movie about your life?
I've often pondered the movie of my life, which scenes would make it in, who would star opposite me (Ryan Reynolds, hands down), what the soundtrack might be...though not a preexisting album, I would definitely want Alan Menken in charge of the soundtrack to my movie. Maybe with some guest tracks by Regina Spektor or Lady Gaga for some variety, but mostly Alan. I adore every Disney movie he wrote the score for and feel like he and Disney made a significant enough contribution to my life to merit getting the job. Although, I also wouldn't turn down a score done by John Williams, Klaus Badelt, Howard Shore or Johnathan Coulton (so so so many awesome points if you know all four).

List your bad habits and/or addictions and what you have tried to rid yourself of them.
Facebook - As previously mentioned, I am  kind of an addict to Facebook. But although I spend an alarming amount of time on it, I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) that it's negatively affected my social skills. I can still just as easily call you up on the phone and talk your ear off as I can mercilessly comment-assault your status. I try my hardest not to be awkward in live-interactions and I don't think my comedic timing and sometimes witty responses have been at all defrayed by technological advances. I haven't really done anything in particular to rid myself of this one, but I did delete all the rest of my superfluous accounts on other sites and don't plan on joining any others anytime soon.
Talking too much/Being offensive - I mean, if you've met me this one probably won't surprise you...depending on who I'm around (you probably know who you are and aren't) I talk...A LOT. And if I just downed an energy drink? Forget about it. I once talked to my roommate for 40 minutes straight after drinking a Monster. I'm working on more of a give-and-take conversation style though, especially with people who are less outspoken than I am and tend not to challenge me for the floor. If I'm around people chattier than I am, I tend to hush up and be more of an active listener. I can also be terribly mean and offensive sometimes for the sake of comedy/winning. Recently I've tried censoring myself because I've been told I can come off as condescending. The problem is that I always announce when I've stopped myself from saying something mean, in which case the other party involved usually demands to hear the remark...so as you can imagine, that's going really well.

Those were the first five kids, only 75 more to go!! Hooray for goal-setting!