Reasons Why I am a Hipster
- I own a shirt from Urban Outfitters
- I own and regularly wear berets
- I have brightly colored wayfarer sunglasses
- You might not recognise half the stuff on my iPod
- I write in serif-ed fonts
- I wear my slip-on Vans and Converses until they are literally held together with duct tape
- I blog
- I have band shirts from bands you've probably never heard of
- I shop in thrift stores
- I changed the font of this list to Georgia because Times New Roman is too mainstream
- I wear plaid button downs regularly
- I've been to concerts at the TLA, World Cafe, and WXPN's Summer Music Fest
- I use reusable bags
- I make/design/deconstruct my own clothes fairly often
- I tend to"shun mainstream societal conventions that apply to dating preferences and traditional "rules" of physical attraction" (thanks Urban Dictionary)
- I know what PennyArcade is
Reasons Why I am Not a Hipster
- I shop at Target for 90% of my clothes
- I own one pair of skinny jeans
- You probably know 50% or more of the music on my iPod
- I've bee to two Jonas Brothers concerts
- I don't drink really fancy brand name water
- I can't really hold a very long dialogue about art
- I am not vegan or vegetarian
- I think that in moderation, consumerism actually drives the economy and thus we kind of need it
- I don't own or wear anything made from hemp
- I don't have an androgynous yet edgy haircut
- I like to share my music
- I don't live in New York or some other urban, bohemian area
- I don't smoke or drink coffee
- I am not very trendy nor am I a setter of trends
- I am not persuing a liberal arts degree nor a degree in anything close (ie art, music, english, philosophy, etc.)
- I really don't give off the required "aura of effortless cool" (thanks Urban Dictionary)