Monday, February 28, 2011


Videos thanks to T.eam R.ocket <3 Because be honest, who doesn't love animal videos?

Ways To Procrastinate on Homework

As requested by JJ


  • Read this blog (congratulations! One item done!)
  • Write this blog (I mean, this ones mostly me, but I always welcome guest submissions!)
  • Cure cancer
  • Watch Youtube videos
  • Catch up on Family Guy on Hulu
  • Clean something (this might just be me again...)
  • Draw a picture
  • Go to the gym (in extreme circumstances only)
  • Learn piano (tryinggggg)
  • Play sporcle
  • Learn the countries of the world alphabetically
  • Practice the alphabet backwards, both for skill and sobriety tests
  • Play Portal (FOR REAL PLAY IT)
  • Play tetris
  • Find an awesome recipe and make it/make plans to make it
  • Order Sugar Bowl (AKA food)
  • Make a stack of all the green things in your room
  • Download music
  • Creep on people on facebook
  • Plan your next roadtrip
  • Bake
  • Alphabetize your DVDs
  • Eat cookies
  • Log onto public computers and change their background
  • Eat more cookies
  • Watch old 90s cartoons
  • Clean the mud that has gathered on all your shoes cause it never stops raining
  • Read texts from last night/dear blank please blank
  • Write a story
  • Go to the library and find the comic books (hint: look between "the joys of yiddish" and "french literature" that's where ours are?)
  • Watch acapella groups sing songs (OMG SO GREAT)
  • Decorate your room
  • Recycle
  • Tie all your roommates shoes together
  • Sleep
  • Kill zombies
  • Clean out your facebook friends and/or cell phone contacts
  • Plan your outfits for the rest of the week
  • Drink (WATER!! WATER!! :])
  • Go shopping
  • Stargaze
  • Go shopping again
  • Doodle on every marker board in your hallway, and some that aren't in your hallway
  • Stomp in puddles

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

College According to the Diva

This is all you need for college, according to my lovely roommate.
  • Bed
  • Pencil
  • Rainboots
  • ID/Meal Plan/Food

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ugh I Hate Slow Internet

So, I've spent the last hour and a half watching a 25 minutes waiting for my computer to buffer a 35 minute Family Guy episode. During that time I've cleaned my room, twice, adequately prepared myself for my math test tomorrow, emptied the recyclables, watered the plants, made several To Do lists, cleaned out the fridge - again - read all of the newest Texts from Last Night and DBPBs, posted them on friends walls, and playing numerous games of Tetris. So, I figured the next logical non-productive thing to do with my life is to write a new blog post, because I hadn't realized I haven't posted in almost a week. My bad. But I posted a lot last week, so I don't feel too badly for you, dearest readers. Oh, speaking of which (yes, I mean speaking of YOU, lovely audience!) I've been meaning to thank you all ever so much for your lovely support. It is because of you that this month has been the first month since the beginning of this blog with more page views than the month before (because I've recently discovered Blogger's statistics feature, so I can tell)!! Which, you may see as a sad accomplishment, but basically there's a pretty steady amount of views each month, which I'm overjoyed with - let me assure you. But not even done February - the shortest of the months, might I point out - and you, you fabulous terrific, short-attention-spanned people, have risen above and beyond January's expectations! And, as usual as a thank you, here are two of my favorite viral videos (and you all know by now what a viral-video junkie I am...). Although according to a survey done by, well, whoever does these type of surveys, the word 'viral' was the most overused in 2010 and the surveyors begged it be taken out of conversation along with 'epic' and 'fail' and any combination of the two.

Screw that. Here are two examples of non EPIC FAIL VIRAL videos!

omg if you don't crack a smile you don't have a soul (note to self, edit old post about quailifications for not having a soul)

This video's been around since 2006 but I recently re-discovered this as I sought ways to express my newfound love for acapella music (thanks Darren Criss and the Warblers - for holding Glee to a higher, less instrumental standard!)

Oh, and for those of you wondering, Family Guy still hasn't buffered.
I HATE DORM INTERNET! Sporcle here I come...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I literally did not stop smiling for the whole four minutes and twenty three seconds. Talk about production quality.

Unfortunately, they only have one other video, and it's based on the game Half Life 2, but it's completely worth checking out even if you have no idea what's going on, for the sheer production quality (though it helps if you know what's going on....) and because Shephard's a hottie (when he picked up that crowbar at 8:28, my heart skipped a beat).

If Lady Gaga Ruled the World

  • Casual Fridays would be replaced to Wear-Whats-In-Your-Cubicle Fridays
  • Hand sanitizer dispensers would be filled with glitter
  • High heeled sneakers would be gym class uniforms
  • Madonna would be her top advisor
  • The GAP would be out of business
  • The armed forces would always be shirtless (good call on this one Mama M)
  • We would need Intolerance Week in schools as a change of pace
  • Casually bursting into flames would be the norm
  • Pants would always be optional
  • All legislature would be signed in glitter gel pen
  • Heels would have minimum height requirements
  • Disco balls and rhinestones would be church attire
  • Prostitutes would wear business suits
  • Everyone would know how to read, write, and play piano
  • Jeans would go extinct
  • It would half to always be sunny so we could rock our sunglasses
  • Ashtrays would overflow with lipstick
  • Sequins would litter the streets
  • Your outfit might also be your lunch
  • Every establishment would turn into a dance club at night
Lahve Lahve Lahve

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Krysti Writes A Romantic Comedy Script

[AUTHORS NOTE: I just found this post, half finished and saved as a draft, so I finished it. Please ignore any inconsistancies between the begining and end of the story lol]


Scene 1: Begin with a view of one of the protagonist's (HIM or HER) either unrealistically perfect life or impossibly terrible life. HE or SHE will most likely be shown ending a previous relationship because the ex is a terrible, horrible person who either is very flawed or finds 'stupid' flaws in the protagonist. Enter BEST FRIEND who will crack jokes at characters expense (if HIM) or suggest junk food and clubbing (if HER).

Scene 2: Some time later BEST FRIEND gets tried of character being huge fucking Debbie downer about the breakup and suggests GIMMICK or CRAZY SCENARIO to get antagonist out to meet men/women. Desperate protagonist overwhelmingly unstable mental state due to breakup, BEST FRIEND forces them into some setting that it probably awful for them to be in, most likely because BEST FRIEND is in a dry spell and wants some action but since they have no other friends are forced to use the jaded, depressed protagonist as their wingman/DD. BEST FRIEND goes home alone, while protagonist meets someone (LOVE INTEREST) under some sort of FALSE PRETENSES (obviously) is some comically adorable way that never happens in real life. [NOTE: One can identify the LOVE INTEREST by the soft indie music that plays in the background, the prolonged camera shots on either parties faces, and the barely noticeable slow motion shots).

Scene 3: Protagonist continues denying their feelings for LOVE INTEREST while seeing them everywhere and constant harassment from BEST FRIEND. Some form of RIVAL - who is clearly morally flawed and inferior to the protagonist, but only audience know this, the LOVE INTEREST is clearly blind to it - is introduced as the protagonist creeps more and more on the LOVE INTEREST.

Scene 4: Repeat. Protagonist will at some point run into LOVE INTEREST in some cutesy adorable situation where the Protagonist will most likely drop something. In really comedic romance movies it will probably be on the LOVE INTEREST.

Scene 5: Denial stage is over, broken by some passionate, forward move on the part of one or both parties. [NOTE: what if there was a romantic comedy where this move was actually just a horrible misreading of signs on the part of the protagonist who then gets completely and utterly shut down and the movie ends. Oh well, I suppose that's why I don't actually write scripts].


Scene 1: The couple spends several days/weeks/months in complete and total lovestruck bliss (bullshit) marked by long romantic montages of completely unrealistic and romantic things that every teenage girl or divorced woman in the audience is now evaluating all future relationships against (spoiler alert ladies: welcome to Hollywood fabrication....)

Scene 2: Montage continues, to the chagrin of all males, and the more realistic females, in the audience.

Scene 3: You guessed it, the perfection continues... *vomit*

Scene 4: Oh shit, due to carelessness on the part of either the protagonist or the BEST FRIEND the GIMMICK that you forgot the protagonist used to get the guy/girl way back in ACT 1 Scene 2. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the part where everything that is fundamentally wrong with people and relationships is dragged kicking and screaming into the movie. This is the part audience can (if the GIMMICK isn't too crazy) relate to and get even more sucked into the plot line.

Scene 5: This is the comedic part of the romantic comedy where we just see both parties drop into a downward spiral of loneliness that every person in the audience, male or female, gay straight or bacon can relate to. Cue entry of BEN & JERRY. It is at this point the aforementioned RIVAL makes their move.

Scene 6: Protagonist goes over to apologise and witnesses RIVAL making move on LOVE INTEREST (most likely to the soundtrack of boos and hisses from the audience). LOVE INTEREST either outright rejects the RIVAL or agrees to go out on a date with them. Either way, the protagonist spots them swapping spit with RIVAL and are further heartbroken.

Scene 7: Sad music montage for protagonist (boo-fucking-woo, don't look to me for sympathy, we all know you're getting him/her back) Shots of both parties desperately missing one another.

Scene 8: Some epic reuniting including one or more of the following elements: A. a kiss in the rain B. comic violence towards RIVAL C. some crazy circumstance D. slow motion E. long, sappy, unrealistic expressions of love F. a sunset.


Damn, no wonder there are so many stupid romantic comedies! They're so easy to write! Now all I need is a couple big celebrities to star as couple and a couple D listers to round out the cast!

All You Need Is Love

Wouldn't that be nice? If literally all you needed was love to survive? We wouldn't need to eat or sleep or breathe, we'd just need to love and be loved? Would more or less people be starving?

Oh, yeah just dropped a deep-thought bomb on ya. BOOM headshot.

And now on to the lighter, more typical fare. My lovely wifey and I's anniversary is quickly approaching (as facebook has been reminding me all week, obviously the reminder system was designed for men who forget anniversaries) and I was leaving her a video rambling about what to get for her this year, and talking about how I don't want something stupid like a food processor or embroidered monogrammed towels from my husband when I get married, I want something awesome. But then I realized that those 'anniversary gift by year' charts aren't really designed with, well, me in mind (unless, as I plan to, I get a creative husband who uses them more as guidelines than actual rules).

We've stuck in out through the good times...

...and the bad.

So, I decided to put together the nontraditional anniversary guide for those of us looking for less traditional anniversary gifts. I kind of tried to keep with the overall themes....ish.

Anniversary (traditional gift/modern) nerd-style

First (Paper/Clocks??) year subscription card to WOW
Second (Cotton/China) super nerdy tshirt 
Third (Leather/Crystal and Glass) boots - perfect for all sorts of costumes
Fourth (Fruit and Flowers/Appliances) newest gaming system
Fifth (Wood/Silverware) Replica wand from the Nobel Collection
Sixth (Candy/Wood) Han Solo encased in carbonite chocolates
Seventh (Copper and Wool/Desk set??? wtf) trip to Penny Acade Expo (get it? copper - penny) if you know what this is....r-e-s-p-e-c-t to you
Eighth (Bronze/Linen) Custom made Steampunk goggles
Ninth (Pottery/Leather) Leather bound copies of all the classic Science Fiction books (Jules Vern, Douglas Adams, etc.)
Tenth (Tin/Diamond) Replica Nenya (Galadiel's ring from LotR) with real diamonds/silver
Eleventh (Steel/Jewelery) Batarangs
Twelfth (Silk/Pearl) Silk pajamas....because everyone enjoys a good pair of silk jammies once in awhile
Thirteenth (Lace/Textiles and Faux Fur???) Lace? Fur?....Oh, I'm just going to let your cosplay minds wander into the gutter for this one, go ahead.
Fourteenth (Ivory/Gold) piano (this doesn't really apply to all nerds, just me. But I guess if you learned some classic gaming tunes or the LotR score or something....)
Fifteenth (Crystal/Watches) Trip to E3/International Comic Con - or both

20th (China/Platinum) Trip to New Zealand LotR sets
30th (Pearl/Pearl) Pearl encrusted dagger
40th (Ruby/Ruby) ruby encrusted sword
50th (Gold/Gold) Real gold Ring of Power
60th (Diamonds/Diamonds) If you make it this long, just buy each other Gameboys and Pokemon Diamond and relish in your victory...
everything after this is diamonds as well, so after 60 years of marriage you are going to be soooo glam

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heard Around Campus

"Man legs don't get cold. You could shave that shit Michael Phelps style and you still wouldn't be cold."

"Did Donna find the ass in the stairwell yet?" [in reference to graffiti on the walls...I assume??]

"It's like this kid, dressed up as Darth Vader or whatever, and he like, starts his dads car. With like, the Force or something?"

"Oh, you know us, can't have somebody in our beds without it being made!!"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentines Day is for Nerds

So, if you're like me - a week to go and still in the market for a Valentine - I suggest you start using a little Force. If these don't win him/her over...he/she is soooo not worth your box of chocolates.


Girl, me too.

Cutest Super Couple EVAH

It's funny because her planet blew up.

another epic super couple <3

Okay, sorry, this one's kinda PG...

Aren't we all girl....aren't we all...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Letter to the Indie Community

Dear Hipsters, Indie kids, rebels, whatever you call yourselves these days (a thousand pardons, we mainstreamers are so behind on the lingo),
     Hello! Nice to meet you, though I know you won't actually read this because blogs are very out, as is getting information firsthand. You'll probably just barely hear my message as it is relayed to you via a less independent friend over the bass line of a Sleighbells song at a venue so underground you're not even sure what it's called. To help spread my message I'll be sure to post copies (typewritten, on an actual typewriter, naturally with a serif font) on the cork boards of all the local thrift and used record stores. Though not a member of your conglomerate ('communities' are far too mainstream, everyone has those), I am somewhat of a lurker around your borders and many less insightful people tend to group me with you, as I own several berets. Anywho, I was writing to address a small issue that has been on the rise since the rights to more popular music have become too expensive for advertisers to cope with (especially with this economy, I'm sure you've noticed how crowded the Goodwills have become), the phenomenon of indie bands being featured in *gasp* commercials and pop culture.

Please, pause, readjust your wayfarer frames and compose yourselves.

     The most recent in this string of felonies has occurred as the indie favorite "Heads Will Roll" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs was featured in tonight's episode of Fox's 'Glee' Members of your nation have already switched their fonts to sarcasm and hit the YouTube comment boxes hard, striking blows at the integrity of Karen, Brian, and Nick (members of the YYY, but I'm sure you knew that already) as well as other artists whose songs have been feature on Glee, in commercials and advertising, or in other forms of mass media. And might I say, for a crowd as laid back as you all appear to be, you are a vicious bunch! Now, I have a great deal of respect for independent music, and artists, don't get me wrong. I think that they're incredibly talented people. However, I don't think that they deserve your scorn for wanting to get their name out there and maybe catch a few more fans. See, the great thing about music is its not susceptible to inflation. It doesn't lose value the more people who listen to it. It's exactly the same whether one kid in a basement in Seattle listens to it as if every single iPod up and down the east coast has it playing (this excludes the phenomenon of being overplayed on radios, that's a whole nother issue). The music doesn't change. The whole hipster movement is based on the idea of being ahead of the curve, being too cool to like mainstream things and follow trends, but aren't you following trends still? They're just the next wave? And by moving on from an artist whose music you valued so strongly at one point, aren't you forfeiting your individuality and following a trend set by the culture you've chosen to adapt? Please note, I'm not saying that you can't ever stop liking bands or get out of a phase of music, but to hate an artist because you are no longer the only one on your block that owns their EP? That's a little drastic if you ask me.
     And if you love that music so much, wouldn't you want the world to hear it? Wouldn't you wish the best for the artists producing it? And if those artists do chose to have their music produced in bulk, shouldn't you support them enough to respect their decision? Personally, if I find music I like, the second thing I do (after listening to it straight for a 24 hour period) is burn my friends mix CDs filled with this great new stuff. Mass media helps bands reach audiences that there's virtually no way they'd reach otherwise, and I think that's fantastic. I'm not gonna lie, there are defiantly some bands that I've discovered because their music was featured somewhere, and I'm not the slightest bit ashamed of that. Plenty of artists maintain their artistic integrity while also being successful (Prince, Beyonce, Michael Jackson). I'm enclosing a list of great music I've found in commercials over the years (sorry if this may be a bit of a repost):

"Wraith Pinned To The Mist and Other Games" Of Montreal (love this song <3)

"Such Great Heights" The Postal Service AND Iron and Wine (same song, two bands, two different commercials)
"Holiday" Vampire Weekend
"Flathead" The Fratellis
"1234" Feist
"Jerk It Out" The Ceasars
"Fort Knox"Goldfish
"New Soul" Yail Naiim
"Don't Upset the Rhythm (Go Baby Go)" The Noisettes
"Great DJ" The Ting Tings
"A-Punk" Vampire Weekend
(See? Good music deserves sharing! the videos I can't vouch for
     Anyway, I know, I know, who am I to preach? I'm a mere mortal, a mainstreamer with one tiny toe in the world of all things hipster. I wear the plaid button downs and converse, but not like I mean it. I have plastic framed glasses and listen to public radio sometimes but I also have seen the Jonas Brothers live, so all my credibility goes down in flames. I understand this. But if you're here that means you either value my thoughts, got here by accident, or need something to laugh at with your buddies Monday morning around the water cooler. But I promise to get off my reclaimed wood-constructed soapbox after making one last point.
     I'm pretty damn sick and tired of every video of any 'indie' band being spammed with thousands of comments attacking Lady Gaga. Seriously? Will pointing out how much more completely awesome and original and wonderful [insert lead female singer of some undiscovered band here] is than Lady Gaga really help you sleep at night? Why does it even matter if he/she is better than Lady Gaga? If he/she tried to gain Gaga's popularity, you'd ditch them anyway! It is my personal and strong opinion that Lady Gaga is fucking great and talented and awesome (once again, my blog, my opinions). But I also value all sorts of other musicians and music without having to comment on every random video about how terrible the band is in comparison to Lady Gaga. Seriously, every single video of every random unsigned independent video I've watched (which is a fairly good amount) has some stupid comment about "Who needs Lady Gaga when you have this?!" or "OMG this is so much more forward and innovative than Lady Gaga could ever hope to be"
SHUT UP! Gaga's famous, Gaga's making money, Gaga's making money, Gaga's making a difference. Obviously someone is buying her stuff and liking it. Even if it is us humble normal people too ignorant to listen to your new wave music. Gaga is not taking opportunities away from any other artist, she just happens to be what 'the people' want. And I'm terribly sorry if you disagree with the taste of the collective music listeners, but who knows? Maybe the artist you think is more deserving will get some airtime and become the next big thing. But by that time you'll probably have moved on because they're too well known and be on to the next wave of artists, complaining that they are much more deserving of fame than those other guys you used to like before they sold out...

Sincerely, Krysti

p.s. I'm not nearly as bitter as this letter makes me seem, but I just got through watching a series of videos all of which featured a slew of stupid comments about Lady Gaga and whatever indie band 'selling out'


You know what I don't understand, some of the so called 'innovations' that speculative fiction/sci-fi writers, artists, authors, etc. have predicted just don't make any goddamn sense. Like, I understand it's kind of hard to predict the future of science since, let's face it, it's kind of hard to predict the present of science, but some of the stuff they're thinking of - let's put a little more thought into these things. Esspecially when they're in multiple sci-fi/spec-fic universes. Case in point:

(or really any giant spindly legged fighting device)
Now, I can see the logic behind the three legged design (any three points must be coplanar and balance, see also bar stools - yeah MATH 105!) however, LOOK HOW VENERABLE THAT MOFO IS! It's the most unstable looking design ever. We as bipeds have a similar (magnified) issue, one overturned car (or large rock) in our path, one instance of not lifting our feet high enough and BAM we're down. Now, if I was pouring bazillions of whatever currency aliens use into an ass-kicking machine I don't want it toppling over at the first sign of a jump rope, ya feel me? Not to mention they probably would go down at the first sign of ice faster than a drunk biddie hightailing it outta e-courts Sunday morning. Not to mention that they're way more venerable to attacks from, say, rocket launchers? One hit and that thing's goin' down in a fiery inferno. Trust me, I've seen it happen.
Other culprits:
I'm talking to you Half Life 2 (the inspiration for this post and a GREAT game)

Star Wars AT-ST Walker - biped, even worse

Saturday, February 5, 2011

And In the Dark of the Night, I'll Be Your Light In the Mist.

Prompt 121 (because that's what time it is): Start a short story with "she touched the little box in her pocket and smiled."

     She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled coyly at a passing a policeman. Their footsteps set the tempo of the night. He tipped his hat and followed her lengthy legs with his eyes until she vanished around the corner. Neon lights reflected in the pools rain from the night prior, lighting the stage. Taxis dashed by, soft whispers of speed. Sirens screaming in the distance and she picked up the tempo, adding evermore steps between herself and 89th street. Her black boots echoed sharp clicks against the cement as she slipped down a narrow side street, listening for the impending bass line....
     Ah, there is was. Four perfectly timed soft thuds reverberated through the district. Chimes of breaking glass. Enter brass section, the scraping of metal blown away from the blast. Now strings, piercing staccato screams. Despite her better judgement her hand gravitated toward her pocket, towards the little box. Now the vocals - television reports, car radios, iPods, cell phones - all joined in the harmony of confusion. Syllables without meaning, only tone - fear and confusion - clear as a bell. Like a foreign song, words were not important. Her hand twitched again, almost beyond her control. Ducking in a doorway she allowed herself a brief segue, grazing the tips of her fingers against the icy glass faces concealed within.
     The moment passed. The music went on, and she resumed her pace, pulling the silvery blonde wig off and allowing her dark tresses to meet the night air. Now for the finale - what would the concert be without a smash ending? In an instant the sky was alight with color and sound. The audience roared. She smiled without turning, a mere bystander, a lover of the symphony.

GLaDOS, you suggestion in under consideration, but its proving tricky. More suggestions welcomed of course :) Also: title trivia - GO!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Things I Learned This Semester

  • Yoga is fucking intense
  • It's more important to have 10 new flat screen TVs in the dining halls than salt the pathways. Because a broken hip heals, HD is forever.
  • FPS games are SO MUCH EASIER on a PC
  • Our education system is fucked up. Hardcore.
  • Never trust anything from campus dining
  • Antlions are friends, not target practice
  • Coloring pages make excellent holiday cards, notebook covers, stress relievers and door decorations
  • Secretly no one knows what they're doing
  • Abercrombie bags (as much as I despise the store...) make GREAT wall decorations (this one is compliments of the LXII ladies - anyone know who they/you are?!?)
  • All men should smell like Old Spice Showtime (omgomgomg *melts*)
  • As much as I hate taking control and doing all the work in a group, I can't stand not being in control...
  • I'm a control freak. But I'm working on it (sorry to those victims of my insanity)
  • Going to comic con either earns you a whole lot of respect from people, or a whole lot of judgement.
  • I make strong first impressions. Good, bad or indifferent, chances are you're not forgetting me anytime soon. Two of my professors have already assured me of that.
  • I love CLOTHES.
  • Remember when I said rain boots were the best investment a college student could make? False: snow boots are the greatest investment a college student can make.
  • Large windows = snowball targets
  • College kids are the fastest, most creative snowman builders EVER (well, except for Calvin)
  • Despite caution tape and clearly perilous conditions, college student will walk under a nearly fallen tree to get to class a little faster
  • Beer bottles, caps, and solo cups make great snowman accessories.
  • How to cut metal :D next project, here I come!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

YouTube Made the Radio Star Turn in His Grave....

So, as those of you who have ever spoken to me for more than like 10 minutes already know, I'm a viral video addict. I really don't search for videos, I swear, I just am online a lot and people send me stuff all the time that then links to other gets bad. However, my latest find may be one of my favorites, ladies and gentlemen (are there even any out there?) I present to you....TRIPOD!

I just know you'll like them, because chances are that if you're reading this blog that you like one or more of the following:
A. music
B. Australians
C. Nerd stuff
D. Funny stuff
E. Me <3
and if any (or all, if you're awesome) of the above is something you like, you'll love 'em. That's about all you'll get in terms of explanation, because honestly, they speak for themselves...enjoy.

Personal favorite (as my status prowlers might already have seen...I could see myself in a relationship like this, I'm not sure which party I'd be though....):

Seriously, look them up, they're hilarious. I'm in love...WITH THE INTERNETTTTTTTTTTT!
P&B <3