Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bucket List [UPDATE]

So, you may have seen my bucket list post a while back and noticed some of the smalled, stupid goals put on there mostly to keep my spirits up on the long and treacherous quest to complete my list. One such item was
"Finish reconstructing my polka dot dress"
Allow me to explain. When cleaning out their basement of 40+ years of junk, my grandparents came across my mom and aunts closet full of old dresses. Everything from terribly 80's poofy bridesmaids gowns to casual dresses that would look at home in the Sailor Moon cartoons (I swear, there was a purple Sailor Scout outfit in there...). Anyway, my grandmom offered me anything I'd care to take, the rest was going to Goodwill. So I grabbed this little polka dot number, which my mom informed me was her favorite dress when she was about my age. Now, let me explain something. When it comes to taste in anything from curtains to clothes to water ice, my mother and I are polar opposites. To the point where, if we walk into a store, we will both make a beeline for the same couch/shirt/object pick it up and simultaneously exclaim "This is the ugliest [object] ever!" and "This is the cutest [object] ever!" It has happened. The one time we both picked up the same sweater and both declared it cute we quickly exchanged glances, slowly replaced the shirts on the display, then scattered away. But lately I've been on a retro pin-up kick (think black/white/red, polka dots. bows, etc.) and this was the perfect project to fulfill all my obsessions, plus I think it's kind of cool that I get to reuse something of my moms, that's never happened before, partially because of the style-barrier and partially because she's wayyyyyy skinnier than me. So, this was a great project all around, and I got to try a lot of new sewing challenges (invisible zipper, reconstructing a highly structured garment, snaps, a cumberbun, etc.) I'm pretty happy with it!!!

Now, remove the top and the floppy bow, add a zipper to fit over my ass, a cumberbun, some zippers, snaps, red accessories and TA DA!

Yeah, I'm no pinup girl, I know, but I just love it!!!!

Where the hell I'm going to wear it, I have no idea....but whatever.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Live What You Love

I thought this was an interesting survey-type thing I stumbled upon, so I decided to fill it out. If you don't really care about listening to me talk about myself I'd just skip this post. It's supposed to help you figure out a little about yourself. I'll try to be both honest and amusing, for both our sakes.

How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment?
Honestly (well, we're off to a good start) I love blogging, I love writing and hearing that people like reading this blog, as stupid as it is. I feel proud of sticking with this for so long, as lame as that sounds.

What is your fondest childhood memory? Who was there? What was going on?
I remember a lot of little things from my childhood, I don't think I can pinpoint anything specific.

How comfortable are you in your home?
Very. I love both my house and my dorm room. My roommates are awesome and my family's chill.

How comfortable are you in your town/city? State?
As comfortable as is expected? I dunno?

What kind of weather do you like?
Middle-seasons, fall and spring, weather. When I can wear jeans and a tshirt, maybe a hoodie, and be set.

Do you believe you can have your cake and eat it, too? Why or why not?
Metaphorically speaking, I think it depends on the situation. Literally speaking, if you have your cake, why wouldn't you eat it?

What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really loved?
Hm, my mom was really critical to inspiring my artistic abilities, and my dad was kind of just always on my side.

What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really do not like?
They freak out at me quite frequently for no apparent reason.

Do you like what you are doing for money?
Yeah, I love working with kids (and sometimes crafting things)

What do you feel is your greatest skill?
Ugh, I just got asked this on formspring and have no idea. I'm not really outstanding at anything. I mean, I'm okay working with people I guess? But nothing special

What do you feel is your greatest personality trait?
I think I'm pretty approachable? Maybe?

Do you feel like anything in your life is holding you back from ultimate joy? List everything.

Write a paragraph or two about your ideal weekend/time away from work. Include location, sights, smells, food, activities, and people.
My ideal weekend (with unlimited funding of course) would probably involve a trip with my friends to either Florida to the Wizarding World of HP, Utah for stargazing, or just Cape May or something for just a relaxing weekend that no one has anything to worry about and can just enjoy the weekend.

How close are you in proximity to the people you absolutely adore the most?
Most of the people I adore are under 30 minutes away from me on a daily basis. But some are upwards of 2 hours.

What do you want out of life?
Now that's the million dollar question, isn't it. I honestly, would just like to live happily, whatever that means at the time, working a solid job with a place to interior design the shit out of and call my own (or whomever is added to 'me') just living in the moment.

How do you think people will remember you, when you die?
Quite frankly I think few will, other than 'that chick who always pops up in my facebook news feed'

How do you want people to remember you, when you die?
Depends on what I do, I guess. Overall it'd be nice if people remembered me as a pretty cool kid, whose company they enjoyed.

Write your epitaph - the sentence you would want to appear on your grave.
'Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.'

How do you feel about your home furnishings?
Um, what? I mean, I didn't pick 'em but they're whatever.

Do you have a hobby that you like to do but you don’t get paid for? What is it?
Crafting, but sometimes I guess I get paid for it. I also love writing and reading.

Does money hold you back from anything? What does it hold you back from? Be very specific.
I don't like discussing money. Sorry.

What do you think of passionate people?
I have a deep set respect for people who are passionate about what they do, whatever that might be. I guess I also feel a bit jealous that passionate people always seem so sure of themselves where as the rest of us stumble around trying to figure out what we're doing.

Do you know anyone who you feel is living their dream? Who? What do they do all day and night? Be very specific.
Yes. They are one of those passionate people we just discussed. And they sacrifice everything to work toward that dream. And they're great at it. (I know that was the opposite of specific, but I don't want to go into any greater detail)

Do you think you can be completely satisfied living where you do right now?
As long as I can get a teaching job, I'd live where I am now (not with my parents of course, I'd move to my own place)

What do you want to accomplish?
I can honestly say I do not know.

Do you want to change your career?
I've barely skimmed the surface of my career.

Do you wish you lived closer to a certain someone or group of people?
When at school, I wish my home friends were closer, when at home I wish my school friends were closer.

Do you wish you lived in a foreign country or a far away state?

What are three things that you do everyday that make you totally happy?
Talk to my friends, the other two vary from day to day.

What do you want to pass on to your children?
Good genes.

What is something you have never tried but would like to?
**See my bucket list post**

Are there things in life you wish you could reverse or make right?
I wish I could fix everything that's wrong with our world, from global warming to our failing school systems.

Do you feel like you have enough money to live the way you want to?
Again, I don't like to talk about money.

Are you happy when you think about the upcoming day and all that it comes with?
In general? Or, like, tomorrow. Generally I have a positive outlook about the future in general, unless something horrible is happening then. Literally tomorrow, I am very happy about because I will (hopefully) have some sand between mah toes and some time to practice my water bending.

What do you find challenging?
Dancing, being patient, drawing anything well, first person shooter games, not caring, being absent, art in general.

What do you find thrilling?
Roller coasters, adventures, going over those hills in a car where your stomach drops, being completely alone in a new situation.

What are three memories you haven’t yet created but you would like to?
1. Graduating college.
2. Getting my first job.
3. ???

Do you feel energized when you work?
Yeah, if it's after like 10am.

Do you feel creative when you work?

Describe what you consider work, and what you consider play. What are the differences?
Work is something that needs to get done, but might not be enjoyable. Play is something that you chose when, where, and how you do it.

Do you feel blessed or lucky to wake up each day? How can you get to that point?
I try to. I really should make more of an effort to though, because I'm incredible lucky and don't spend enough time and energy appreciate all the people I have and the opportunities I've been given.

If all of your debt was forgiven tomorrow, and you had a completely clean slate, what is the very FIRST thing you would change about your life?
That, dear survey, is a great question. I'm quite stumped. I guess I'll be shallow and say appearance.

Where are three places you have always thought about living but never did?
1. New York City
2. England
3. Santa Monica, California

When do you want to retire?
When I'm good and ready. And financially set.
Is there an award or accolade you have always dreamed of winning or being recognized for?
I mean, I've really never received any awards of note, but I always wished I would have gotten some kind of superlative. But alas, I was not 'green' enough.

If you could learn how and money was not an issue, is there anything else you would do for work besides what you are doing now? Be specific.
God, there are so many things I'd love to do. Fashion designer, costume designer, wedding planner, interior designer, Imagineer, owner of a hip, member of the Haus of Gaga, trendy cafe or boutique, ComicCon artist, rock star....

List three things you would immediately change about your work day if you were the boss (assumes you are not the boss).
1. start later, end earlier
2. wawa for lunch
3. lazer tag everyday
What can I say? I work at a summer camp, there's not a whole lot of practical things to complain about.

What are three things you would start doing on the weekends if money were not an issue?
1. Traveling (Utah, Cape May, New Zealand, England, Australia, California, Texas)
2. Questing (not the same as traveling!)
3. ???

Imagine it is a big holiday and you are with your loved ones and you are living what you truly love. When they ask what you have been doing, what do you say in reply?
Really I'm just trying to make the most of my summer while I can. I'm working at camp all day, which is kind of a pain just because I come home so beat, but I've gotten used to it and as much as I complain, I love it. Besides that I can't wait to get back to school and see all my friends, but at the same time I'm having a blast catching up with everyone from home. Basically, I'm carpe-ing the die(h)m as much as I can for as long as I can. And I suggest you all do the same.

Peace out cub scouts!

ps: Did we like this? Do we never want to hear the innermost workings of my brain again? Was this boring?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Happens Under the Covers...Is Burnin' Up the Blogs

Ohhh Krysti, you're so witty. Basically my summer life isn't nearly interesting enough to substantiate this blog as often as I like to post, so here are a few (in my opinion*) excellent covers of some songs for y'all to enjoy. And in the meantime I'm hopping in the shower because I literally have paint everywhere from the soles of my feet to inside my nose today.... chiao bellas.

Love this song.

He's so fucking cute. And his voice makes me melt. <3<3<3

Love her overall attitude, actually she does a lot of great covers (check out 'Use Somebody' as well)

Because I cannot ever get enough of this song and can't jam out to it at camp...god I wish I looked like her (and could sing like her too).

*I'm about as good a music quality critique as George Bush was a president.

Monday, July 26, 2010


So, I think I've decided that I'm a craft-somniac when I'm at home. As in, if you were to come to my house in the middle of the night - mayhaps to throw pebbles at my window then serenade me? - you would find me fully awake, most likely freshly showered and already re-covered in paint from some odd project I decided to start an hour before, at 1am. And I have been in quite the crafty mood lately, Adventure Time kicks, madame rosemerta glittery heels, my pinup retro skirt is finally finished, and I tye-dyed my first ever tshirt. Epicness. Normally this addiction would make me a little wary of the steep slope I'm on that might eventually lead me to sell my organs on the black market to make money to construct a full-out Con-ready Cosplay and get to San Diego for the International Con, but since I don't craft very much during the school year, I feel like this is justifiable. Next on my list, some jewelery, more AT shoes? Neverland? hopefully a Lady Rainacorn hat, and mayhaps some birthday goodies? Who knows. What I will say though, is try something crafty this summer. I don't care if you've never taken an art class or you're an art major. Make something awesome this summer (and obviously send me pics) something you've always wanted secretly but never had the balls to make or the money to buy. Anything from an epic cosplay to a sweet-ass bulletin board for your dorm room. Whatever, it's 2009, knock me off my feet, blow me away with your craftsmanship. And comment with any ideas for projects, because idle hands are the devils (Lady Gaga's?!? More speculation soon) workshop! Just ask Glozell. Peace out kiddles.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Things That Are Hellish To Do In the Heat

  • Sleep
  • Read
  • Write
  • Work at a camp
  • Walk around outside
  • Be on a school bus
  • Live somewhere without air conditioning
  • Do any sort of physical activity
  • Socialize
  • Exist
Goddamn it, I'm sweating just sitting here typing. I hate being hot. I hate sweating glistening, I HATE NOT HAVING A/C!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

And the Cutest Couple Ever Award Goes To....

Okay so just checked IMDB and went over the casting for "Deathly Hallows Part I"

Uh, Dumbly (right) + Grindy (left) = CUTEST GODDAMN COUPLE EVER.

Uh yeah, so can't wait for this to come out solely to see these two. (Side note: you may recognize young Grindy from 'Sweeny Todd' he played Anthony, the sailor boy who falls in love with Joanna).

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Teach Your Children MANNERS

So, seeing as a good portion of my mouth is numb and I'm unable to speak properly (as in, I can't make the 'B' sound right about now...) since my visit to the dentist, I'm going to give you all some insight into one of the few things I would say I'm pretty damn well qualified to tell you about: children. Specifically, the childcare industry as seen from the vantage point of a four year employee of said industry. Now, before you call me out on not having any idea what kids are like, not being a parent, etc. let me tell you, aside from parenting I've done it all, summer camp, daycare, babysitting, the works. Infants, teenagers, one kid, twenty kids...let's suffice to say I've changed hundreds of diapers, been peed on, bled on, kicked, punched, screamed at, and that's all in a days work. Not that I don't love working with kids, I do. But days like today remind me why a great majority of the population don't.

Simply put, kids have no manners. None. One out of every ten says please or thank you, fewer than that listen when told to sit down, be quiet, listen to the instructions to a new game. I understand kids will be kids, but that phrase (much like the phrase 'the customer is always right') does not give children the green light to be little terrors. Kids are always learning, and to some extent need to blow off the rules and learn for themselves why they're there. Everything is an experience that shapes their view of the world forever, and I get that. But when you raise a child that can blatantly look into the eyes of their teacher/councilor/etc. and feed them a boldface lie, or outright disobey the instructions that have not even left their mouths yet, that's a problem. So, here's another Krysti-List

What to Teach Your Children So That They Aren't the Ones Their Teacher/Councilor/Babysitter Tells Horror Stories About Later

  • Name-calling and bullying is unacceptable. I don't care if the little girl sitting next to you has the hairiest upper lip you've ever seen and is eating paste and crackers, leave her the hell alone.

  • DON'T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE! What kind of house were you raised in that makes you think it's alright to grab a kid three grades younger by the throat and drag them around?!

  • Listen to instructions. If I made a list of all the sentences I say in any given day working with kids in any setting, it would consist of maybe seven phrases, each repeated about 134 times. Not listening wastes time, annoys others, and gives your councilors headaches.

  • Your teacher/councilor should not know you're name during the first week of school/camp. It's never a good thing.

  • A little scratch isn't the end of the world. Teach your kids the difference between actual injury and you blowing every little fall way out of proportion with your reaction. My psych teacher was great about this with her daughter. Let your child gauge their pain without looking to you for a response. That way councilors/teachers/nurses won't have to wade through a hundred 'Ow my hand hurts' to find the one actual injury. Because children react differently to injury, the melodramatic ones throw off an authority figures' ability to identify real problems.

  • For the love of all things Gaga, teach your children not to be such whiners. All I hear, every activity we do, is whining!! Okay, I get it, you don't like tennis baseball, FINE! WE'RE PLAYING BOMBARDMENT NEXT SO JUST CHILL!

  • Sportsmanship. I literally have to yell this at kids (it's one of my seven phrases) a million times a day. If you're out, sit down, don't try and pretend it was a head shot. Don't freaking switch teams because you want to be on the one with the best kid on it, they need to be even. Don't argue a call until we just give up and call them out, that's a bitch move. I understand the need for competition, but at the age our kids are learning it (like, straight out of the womb, basically) they need to learn to control their competitive streak; namely, sportsmanship.

  • General manners. Please and thank you are such magical words. Holding doors, waiting patiently, helping clean up, picking up trash, and helping other campers are the most wonderful things in the world. You don't even understand what I'd give to have all these things happen all the time.
[NOTE: Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I love working with kids, playing with them, talking to them, teaching them, I really do. I just think that, as a blanket statement, kids these days are getting a little unruly.]

Okay, I'm done telling you how to raise your children now, g'night.

This Boy Is Another of My Video Heros


and as much as I love Gaga...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Harry Potter and the Search for Oneself (try using the Marauders Map for this one Harry...)

So, I took a sorting hat quiz today, just for funsies since I stumbled upon it, which claimed (and seemed) pretty in-depth and legit. Much to my shame and chagrin, I was declared a Hufflepuff. Now, I know some people are rather fond of our badger-y friends in the halls down by the kitchens, but I for one am a very strong believer that, other than people who are particularly good finders, the House of Hufflepuff is strictly for people who are not brave enough, smart enough, or 'sly' enough to be placed elsewhere. Simply put, they are leftovers. So, it's easy to see why my personal belief system was having a meltdown over the discovery that I was 100% bland and indistinguishable. Obviously, this quiz had to be wrong. I would prove it. So, including that first test, I proceeded to take ten (yes, my nerd-dom extends that far) sorting tests, to get a fairly good sampling to prove to myself, once and for all, what house I belong to. The results:

Hufflepuff: 4
Gryffindor: 3
Ravenclaw: 3
Slytherin: 0

Shit, still Hufflepuff. I'm going to go drown my sorrows in a bottle of Firewhiskey. But it got me thinking, I don't really know if I would fit in any of the Hogwarts houses. I mean, I'm defiantly not brave (Jesus, take one look at that list of all my fears I posted, I can't even move up a seat at a concert without wanting to hurl) and though I have my moments of evil, I wouldn't say I'm cunning enough to don green lined robes, nor do I think myself clever enough to be a wise old Ravenclaw (for gods sake, look at all the spelling errors in one blog post!). I guess this all goes back to the issues I was bitching about in regards to defining myself. Maybe I've been looking at Hufflepuff wrong this entire time. Maybe Hufflepuffs aren't fails like we've all always kind of assumed. Maybe the Hufflepuff house is just for people who, at age 11, haven't established themselves as heroes, villains, or super geniuses yet. Maybe they're just all trying to FIND themselves...

Nerd food for thought.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Apparently, that 2010-era Jessie McCartney wannabe Justin Bieber has overtaken my idol and potential lord and savior (debate to come soon) Lady Gaga for most views of a video (currently 'Baby' > 'Bad Romance'). I for one will not tolerate this. I don't know what 'Baby' is about because I refuse to watch and help the opposition but I can take an educated guess that the Biebster's got nothin on the Lady. I can assure you there will be no mobsters, fire-shooting bras, monsters, razor sunglasses, gyroscopes, or incredibly insane group dance sequences in the POS that Bieber is calling a video.


Click This If...

So I decided instead of randomly embedding links in my posts I will actually give you some reasoning as to why you may enjoy a particular link. Hope this helps. I spend much too much time on the Internet, I know.

If you want to feel better about your life choices
If you want to think deeply about your values
If you want a tiny pin-prick of insight into the insanity that is humanity
If you want to feel better about never sleeping
If you want to set your fond childhood memories aflame
If you're trying to up your 'IQ' (Indie Quotient)
If you're looking for a small bit of hope for the future of social interaction'
If you're an online gamer
If you're sick of using the classic 'hey cutie, what's your sign' pickup line
If you hate graffiti
If you're ashamed your spouse/crush/boy or girl friend is super-lame
If you freaking love 'A Goofy Movie' anywhere near as much as I did/do

The Fate of My Life Rests in Your Hands!

So, formspring is a really stupid yet really popular website and I have to say I kinda love it although I rarely get legit questions (not that I don't love them anyway...) Its more like a site where you can express your hatred for others under a digital invisibility cloak, and since no one cares enough to harass me on formspring my traffic flow is pretty light. All I ask is that for my 100th question (AKA my next one) I want something SUPER-FREAKING-LEGIT. A question that will linger unanswered in my inbox for weeks, keep me up at night, spark various deep conversations over picnic lunches in Tyler park, and basically be a mind-fuck. Up for that challenge loyal readers? Bring it on.

Oh, and if you've never listened to Regina Spektor, literally stop whatever it is you're supposed to be doing instead of putzing around online and listen to her. Personal favorites: anything off 'Begin to Hope' or 'Far'
Seriously, I have such a giant girl-crush on her right now because I just got 'Far' and it's incredible.

Ironically enough I got this picture off someone else's blog. We bloggers love us some R Spek. <3

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Too Good to Be True

So, I actually misspelled a lot of stuff in that last post (thank you, oh vigilant spellers who read my blog) the spell check was just broken. Oh well, better luck next time....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Clothes Make the Person

I don't care how superficial that title sounds but secretly every single one of you who just read it was like 'mmmh, yeah.' Now, please don't jump to conclusions (I feel like I always jump to the conclusion that you all are jumping to conclusions when in reality everyone needs to just calm the fuck down. Myself included.) and assume that I'm saying that you have to be wearin' Gucci and Prada, spendin' dolla after dolla. Because anyone who knows me knows my love of Target and cheap shopping. What I'm saying is that as nonmaterialistic as you might be, when you put on something you love and think you look good in, ya freakin' feel great. Especially if that something(s) was dirt cheap. For example. I am currently (without shoes on) wearing an $11 outfit, and am in L-O-V-E with it. Add some borrowed jewelery, some gifted eyeliner (fab) and maybe some thrifted flats...grand total $25 max. And if you think you look good, you feel good. And if you feel good, the people around you feel good. And the sonic wave of lookin' and feelin' super fly continues. Be honest, how great does it feel when a complete stranger goes out of their way to compliment you. IT'S LIKE, THE BEST THING EVER! And, psych studies have shown that after being on the receiving end of a good deed/compliment that you have a high likelihood of passing it on. Meaning the cycle lives on. Basically, what I'm saying is don't go out and buy a completely new designer wardrobe, but be freaking fabulous in whatever it is that makes you feel like a million bucks (which, with inflation the way it is...oh never mind). Whether than be the newest Coach sneakers (ew, please no) or your oldest, most reliable pair of skinny jeans. And pass on. The world can always use a little more fabulous.


UNRELATED: I would like to announce a blog-first. This is the first blog entry I have ever written and checked with spellcheck that I have spelled NOTHING wrong. WHOOO! Yay for college.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I have a tendency to exaggerate but if you own and iPod and/or enjoy music then this is literally the best thing that I've learned in the nineteen plus years I've lived on this earth. And I'm quite serious (hence the boldfaced text), so brace yourselves.

No, fair citizens, you did not just misread the above link. I've owned an iPod for upwards of five years and I always was under the impression that the bastards at Apple were too savvy to allow this and that the process would involve lots of complicated programming, but NO! It's actually quite simple and very, very effective when either getting a new iDevice or when your hard drive crashes or whatever. And I think that everyone should know about it. Especially because I for one was under the impression that this literally could not be done, and look at me now, with an iTunes library triple the size of what is was this morning, vastly increasing the variety on my mix CDs by about 10004% And I'm getting a new iPod, with more space than I can shake a memory stick at. What a great day for things beginning with a lowercase 'I'.

On A Lighter Note

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Things I Am Afraid Of

The first step to conquer any fear is admitting you have one. So here, for everyone to see, I am making a list of my fears in hopes that it will satisfy both my list craving and my need to get over some of my fears.

  • Death (not my own, the people I care about's)
  • 3D movies (I blame the Honey I Shrunk the Kids show)
  • Failure
  • Roller coasters
  • Being yelled at/Getting in trouble (I blame Catholic school)
  • Log Flumes
  • The Future (who the fuck isn't terrified of this?!)
  • Not getting a job
  • Being absent (what if something important happens!?)
  • Authority figures
  • M. Night Shamalan making more movies
  • Not doing anything meaningful with my life (see last post, I had a bit of a meltdown)
  • Every 'Harry Potter' book in the world spontaneously combusting
  • Losing people (Not their death, just....losing them. At this point in time, specific people, but in general, people I care about)
  • The American School system
  • Having a gun pointed at my head
  • Being a bad sister
  • Getting pulled over/Getting arrested (can't teach with a stain on my criminal record)
  • Never finding someone
  • Illness
  • Being a bad teacher
  • Public performance (singing, dancing, acting, speaking. though I wish so badly that I could)
  • Not making the most of everything I've been given
Now, you're probably thinking 'Krysti, stop being such a dumb shit, if you know your fears, fucking fix them.' And to you I say 'Stop being an asshole, no one said you had to read my blog. And you trying conquering a fear of being absent.' I don't even know why I wrote these last two post, I guess it was just stuff I was thinking about and figured I should actually write something more than 'watch this video!' for once.

Oh well, the world is a scary place, little monsters. We'll just have to brave it together. G'night.

The Bitch of Living

So, I recently discovered that one of my greatest, recently discovered phobias (along with authority) is the fear of not living life to the fullest. The fear that if I die tomorrow that I'll have done absolutely nothing in my life but fuck around and spend way too much time on Facebook. That I'm not impacting the world around me, the people who know me, or really much of anything. While I just mess around, my biological clock is ticking away precious seconds and I'm spending them stumbling around or watching cartoons. I worry incessantly about whether I'm just coasting through life without trying to better myself or make any impression. I worry that I'm plain, bland, forgettable. I can't define myself, how the hell do other people. I can't shake the fear that I do nothing for the larger picture, not even a blip on the cosmic radar. That when I leave, be it for the next room or the next world I will forever be just another face in a sea of faces. I wonder if I'm too passive and that my fear of making any major waves in my little tide pool is holding my back as a person and making me incredibly boring. That my stupid list of fears of things like being yelled at, failure, 3D movies, not ever finding love, log flumes, or the unknown are holding me back. I try and be genuine but sometimes I just feel like an empty shell. I don't know who I am or what I want in the grand scheme of things and don't know what to do about it. I've always had a pretty go-with-the-flow attitude towards life, but is that making me miss out? How do I seize the day?! Is it by impacting my surroundings? Is it by having the most fun, loving what I'm doing? Is it making a difference, however small, to someone? I don't know, and sometimes, when I can't wrestle the thought of it back into the very furthest corner of my brain where I store issues like wisdom teeth, cancer, the deterioration of today's youth, body image, death and job availability, it rears its head and I just get so...phobic about the whole damn thing.

Not exactly the Gaga post you were expecting, right? But this was partially brought on by Mama Monster, whose wonderful speeches make you just want to stand up and say 'FUCK YOU WORLD I AM WHO I AM!'

But....who the hell is that?


Gaga was, as we knew it would be, mindblowingly wonderful. As soon as I figure out how to post my videos on here you'll all have your bandwith freaking blown out with picture and video from the show (35 videos....jesus). Also to come: entry/possible guest opinon piece "Is Gaga the AntiChrist?"

And you guys are all wonderful people for gratifying my love for sidebar polls and voting on my outfit. Team Pancho fans, don't fret, I'm almost positive I'll make one at some point this summer.
And a little taste of what's to come :)

Little Monsters off to see Mama Monster <3

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So, holy shit people actually voted! 18 people in fact! Or just some people refuse to let their outfit lose *cough* I have my suspicions *cough* Thanks all, the hood and zebra are tied, but I think I'm going hood only because its gonna still be up in the 90s Friday and I don't wanna roast. But I love you all Little Monsters <3<3<3

Glitter, glosticks, facepaint (for lightning bolts), lipstick (retrieved from ashtray :] ), Gaga glasses....I'M SO READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So...I'M GOING TO SEE LADY GAGA IN CONCERT ON FRIDAY (haha super, super last minute plans <3)  and need to decide which of the gaggle of Gaga's I'm dressing as. Help me out, and VOTE in the left hand sidebar!!!

Keep in mind that of course they'll all be done Krysti-style because I am nowhere near pretty enough or have enough self-confidence to pull these off normally. Which means:
A. Zebra poncho: I'll be wearing black leggings with this
B. It'll most likely be a 'disco tank top' not a bra
C./D. These are actually pretty tame for Gaga
E. God I don't even know how I can do this one, but It'll deff be longer

Oh and I've already got some glasses and bangs, which should help, and facepaint for a lightening bolt. So there's a start.
HELP ME OUT! IDK WHAT I SHOULD DO! And any crafty suggetions would be nice, if you've got 'em!


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pop! Goes the Weasel

So, for whatever reason I had the 'pop! goes the weasel' song stuck in my head, and aside from its Panic! At the Disco style punctuation one other element confused me.

"All around the mulberry bush (or cobbler's bench)
The monkey chased the weasel;
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun,
Pop! goes the weasel."
Does the weasel DIE? I guess I always assumed so, since the previous line mentions the monkey thinking it was all fun and games until the weasel spontaneously combusts, apparently. Which I though was a tad morbid for a children's song (although "Ring Around the Rosie" is no picnic either). So I checked it out thanks to my BFF wikipedia and no one actually knows what it means. People have theorized everythinfrom it being slang for craftsmens tools to having something to do with Guy Fawkes' gunpowder plot. Who, I discovered, after more research, was not a selfless soldier for a more fair and equal government like V for Vendetta (great movie) makes him out to be, but a fighter for Spain and the Catholic Church. Weird, right?

Why am I telling you all about this? Because I find it interesting, and goddamn it it's my blog! And I'll write what I want, whether it be mind-numbing L*** A******** rants or intellectually stimulating pieces of trivia. So stuff that in your Trivial Pursuit wedge thing and suck it.

Happy Birthday America!!

And what's more American than....MARIO!

Thank your lucky power-up stars that we live where we do. We've got 1Up chances here in the US that people elsewhere can't even fathom and sometimes we forget that. Also, a special thanks to all the incredibly brave men and women serving our country worldwide. I have so much respect for what they do, I could never do it. And thanks to them we can do all the stuff we do without fear.

Mama mia! Happy 4th.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Next On My 'To Craft' List

You are a huge liar if you say this isn't one of the coolest nerdy things you've ever seen. I want one!
Craftster is a favorite site of mine, look around a bit, they've got some awesome stuff made by ever awesome-er crafters! See if you can find me...

I am like two stiches from finishing my reconstructed polka-dot dress and cannot wait to wear it (although its probably too fancy for me to wear anywhere...but whatever, I'll find something) and am psyched because it was one of my short-term items on my bucket list, plus it involves a ton of stuff I've never done before with sewing and so far its coming along much better than expected.

Here's a 'before' shot of the dress as a teaser :)

Pretty ugly, right? Promise I made it at least a little cuter. Actually, the dress is my mom's from when she was my age, her favorite dress in fact. It's pretty 80s (don't tell her I said that....) and I'm no where near her size, so I Tim-Gunned it a bit and am making it work. Trust me, the second I finish pictures will be all over this blog.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Do NOT Go See "The L*** A*********"

And yeah, it was so bad I'm refusing to speak its name.

{NOTE: This post will most likely be rated PG-13/R for language and graphic violence}

Dear Mr. Shama-lama-asshole,
I would like to offer my sincerest condolences for what I'm sure was a massively important and tragic event pulled you away from your work on "The L*** A********." I'm sure releasing it in mid-production stages was not intention and I'm sure that it was simply this economy that prevented you from adding the more minor details in the movie, like, say, the water that Aang and Katara are supposed to be bending along with all those awesome dance moves that I'm sure scored you a lot of tail back in the 20s. Although, as we could tell by this movie, you probably couldn't finish with any of that tail. And I can completely understand that as a very busy, self-righteous, pompous bastard of a director, producer, screenwriter, and supporting actor you probably had no time to watch the wonderful piece of animated genius that is the series you were supposed to be adapting. Little details like the 'a' sound in 'Aang' are trifles you are simply too important for. I mean, its not like your paycheck relies on the quality of your movies or anything, BECAUSE IF SO YOU WOULD BE SO FAR UP THE ASS IN DEBT RIGHT NOW THAT THE UNITED STATES WOULD LOOK FUCKING LOADED.
You, sir, and your movie are a disgrace to Avatar fans everywhere. You took a cartoon series so good that the most manly-cliche-high-school-jock would open admit he watches and pretty much raped it up the butt. Hard. To be completely honest (and believe me, I will be) I wish I could memorybend the last two plus hours of my life away. And I didn't even pay to see your goddamn POS, I wasted a free pass! ON THAT! On two plus hours of awful, terrible, horrible film adaptation. I think it is quite possibly the worse movie I've ever watched in my life. But, enough unsupported claims. I'll explain myself.
From the very beginning of your half-ass poorly CGI-ed attempt to recreate the title sequence I was worried. Then, everything changed when the subtitles attacked. Starting with a semi-linguistically challenged Katara (who no one really likes anyway) who informs the audience of the state of the world and mispronounces the first of many names in the movie ("auhhh-vatar") I'm already assured this will be awful. We then quickly meet Aaaaahhhh-ng, who is completely the opposite of his lighthearted, fun-loving TV character, and is stupid, moody, and extremely flat. We then have the extremely uncharacteristically pleasant Grandma (AKA Gran Gran, but its okay M, I know your too important to do your research) explains how important the spirit world is to the fire nation's cause (NOT) and fully supports her two underaged grandchildren decision to take a flying bison to where ever to save some kid they just met. But it's okay, because the gAang (Sokka, Katara, and Aaaaaaah-ng) don't really need any screen time anyway, the important character is Zuko....? Wait, which one is Zuko again? The one horribly scarred by firebending? Wait, so which one is he? Oh the one whose right side of his face is minorly discolored, oh Ooooookay. Anyway he and his super not Iroh-looking uncle are way more important and should be spastically cut to right in the middle of any part with Aaaaah-ng. Oh, and instead of being cloaked in a veil of fire in his palace, Firelord Pu-ssi is going to just stroll around the garden and chillax. It's whatever.

But to be honest, I'm too goddamn exhausted to write anymore because I've been preparing to see this movie from the minute I left work, making costumes (the gAang out of tshirts and sculpy in two hours) and catching up on our best of the benders. All for literally SHIT. So to cut things short, let it be noted that:
  • It takes 6 earthbenders to move one rock.
  • Waterbenders now fight by trapping people inside water bubbles suspended in air UNTIL THEY DROWN
  • Hiru is about 8
  • Katara, while having no lines but her awful voice overs, does help the cause by hanging wanted posters of Ahhhhhhhh-ng around fire nation territories.
  • Sometimes, to get to the Spirit World you just have to sit down for a quick sec and then everything will go double vision and everything anyone ever told you will echo in your head.
  • The Klan now has scuba suits.
  • Firebenders cannot make their own fire. If they can its enough to scare away M Night.
  • Momo and Sokka provide no comic relief. The only comic relief is laughing at how awful everything is.
  • Sokka is mispronounced so well it can be confused for Zuko.
  • Waterbending is more like a pleasent bubbling sprout of water that really does nothing.
  • To win a war you just need to make a HUGE FUCKING WAVE then let it slowly sink back into the ocean.
  • No Suki.
  • No Jet.
No more for tonight. More later, but I needed to write something before I try drastic measures to memorybend this from my memory.