I just flipped over to facebook and was reminded of something that has pissed me off to no end recently. 'GAY' is NOT a synonym for 'stupid.' Nor is it a derogatory term. I HATE PEOPLE WHO USE IT AS SUCH. THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR IT! There are plenty of gays out there (I can think of several) who have more talent, personality, and fantastic-ness in one eyelash than many people have in their whole body. Not only is it hurtful to use the term in such a way, it's downright ignorant and needs to stop. Though I hope that anyone reading this is intellegent enough not to be doing this, I don't live under a rock and I know that tons of people say it. I'm not pointing fingers, but please please please, think twice before you say 'that's so gay' or use it as an insult. It's rude and insenitive. And don't give me any bullshit about how it's just a force of habit or a 'cultural norm' because that is exactly that: bullshit. Just because something is widely used does not make it any more right. It needs to stop. Now.
Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Sorry for the rant. Just hit a nerve I guess.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Ohhhhh The Great Outdoors
So, this is a little late, but here's what I learned on our awesome camping trip to Assateague this past weekend:
- Girl Scouts choose the worst possible times to sing (god I hope I wasn't like that...)
- Open beaches are a great place to toss old fish hooks.
- Assateague ponys are short and fat and like to scratch their noses on grills and tents.
- I would make a great dad; I can grill a kick-ass burger while holding a solo cup (filled with SODA) in one hand.
- I never want to eat another hamburger.
- The number they tell you can fit in a tent is actually the number of Girl/Boy Scouts that will fit.
- Van benches are super comfy for sleeping.
- What a mountian pie is.
- How awesome night vision googles are (FREAKING SWEET)
- The various uses for an E-Tool (also FREAKING SWEET)
- How not good tents are at being in wind.
- That you can actually find conch shells at the beach
- How awesome we are at randomly chosing the weekend there is a kite festival in any given place.
- Digeredoos exist
- Wendy's likes to keep their drivethrough and kitchen lights on when they are in fact, closed.
- I cannot run on less than 12 hours of sleep over the course of a weekend.
- Washers are no match for sand. Neither are converses
- I can't wait to go back to the beach.
- Frisbee's super fun :)
- I am not phone-dependant
- College has taught me buying will-power!
- A twelve person van can actually fit thirteen people and their baggage or seventeen people with no baggage.
- Men are terrible with directions.
- I'm terrible at keeping fires going.
- Never ask questions about the quality of the hamburgers you are eating.
- Greese and propane don't really mix well, though they cook a speedy burger.
- Burying things in sand does not equal freshness.
- People actually sleep in those little triangle two-flap stereotypical tents!
- Those aformentioned tents are not recomended.
- Burt's Bees pomogranate is, in fact, lip balm. And will stain your lips.
- People are now texting and biking on the boardwalk...wonderful.
- Zebra print is the new 'thing' for beach hoodies. Want one!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Since When Are Oranges Used In Landscaping?
Hello kiddles, I'm back from a long-ass weekend camping. A looooooooong-ass weekend. But more on that later. This post is just some housekeeping. So here's our chore list today dearies:
TTFN: Ta ta for now!
- Make y'all aware that if you've already checked out the 'Spotted in the Art Building' post, that you should take another look, it's been updated with somemore crazy shit that I took just for y'all :)
- To those of you Gleeks and non Gleeks who took a second to vote, shanks :)
TTFN: Ta ta for now!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Can someone make my life (or at least alleviate my boredom and give me something to contemplate between adventure time clips and tetris games) and write on my formspring? I freaking love that thing...why? Probably because, as stated in the very first blog post (and possibly the info in the sidebar) I love talking about myself. That's why I have a blog. And I'm willing to bet that's one of the reasons you read it. Or else mayhaps you're being held captive by shadow people in Lumpy Space (or some equally warped dimension) and being forced to read this as they torture some key secret (maybe the secret of who the cleaning ladies are blackmailing to keep their jobs?) out of you. In which case, leave me a comment and maybe I can help.
Who am I kidding? If you're kidnapped in Lumpy Space the best I can hope to do is put a large 'ON VACATION' banner across my blog and hope that Big Daddy and Hit Girl contact me for details. In which case they could probably help.
In other words, write on my formspring.
Who am I kidding? If you're kidnapped in Lumpy Space the best I can hope to do is put a large 'ON VACATION' banner across my blog and hope that Big Daddy and Hit Girl contact me for details. In which case they could probably help.
In other words, write on my formspring.
Spotted In the Art Building
I love the art building for several reasons....mostly because something new and eccentric is always popping up somewhere, generally the third floor. So here's a tribute to some of the crazy shit I've seen around since joining the art department...

Love this chair.
One of these might be mine... :)
Spackle-ified Monster Hands (ignore my weird face...)
Swine flu? Michael Jackson? No, just another day in design class.
Forget the elephant in the room, we have a cow in the elevator.
Fridge doodle.
Hate these stairs, but Emily's awesome.
Even the desks look like art.
EDIT: More now!!
Yeah, that's right, be excited....

Bee careful
[this is a note to the staff asking them to be careful when reinstalling the cow, because there is a bees nest in the base but not to kill it becase bee populations are suffering]
I feel like no one actually uses this for food...
The sign on the third floor women's bathroom where traditionally the 'WOMANS' sign would be...
don't ask me, I have nooo idea.
The sign on the men's room door. Also, no idea.
If you have a theroy about these, I'd love to hear it...
Monday, April 19, 2010
MLIA: My Life Is Awesome
The formatting on my last post was getting on my final nerve (as if speech hadn't already...) so I started a new post. Lucky you! Three posts in two days...I spoil you. Tonight's topic, my conflicting selves agenda's.
My Inner Adult's Agenda*
*This is a dramatization
**This is not.
My Inner Adult's Agenda*
- Contemplate meaning of life
- Laundry
- Do homework
- Draft proposition for world peace
- Wear sensible shoes
- Cure cancer
- Stop global warming
- Watch thought-provoking, polically-themed movies
- Eat vegetables
- Run errends
- Make bed
- Draft schedule for Spring Semester of next year
- Be generally responsible
- Get face painted
- Imagine self as superhero/draft superhero costume
- Play video games
- Watch Disney movies
- Play Tetris
- Go to playground
- Sing songs
- Build pillow fort
- Eat giant waffle
- Check for stars
- Draw pictures
- Wear cape
*This is a dramatization
**This is not.
Another Day, Another Blog Post to Avoid Speech....
Ugh, COMM 100 is killing me, I kid you not. It's just flat out DUMB (but don't worry mom, I'm prepared for tomorrow!).
In other news. Things you should watch.
What is it? It's like Kill Bill + Spiderman + Watchmen. Basically it's about a kid with no superpowers at all who goes out to 'fight injustice' and subsequently stumbles upon more legit superheroes and gets mixed up in all sorts of shit. Not for those who can't watch violence. There's some sick action sequences that are reminicent of the Kill Bill series (slow-mo headshots, slicing of heads, etc.) that are a bit intense but still so good. Blah, blah, blah. Now to my actual point. Watch it soley because Hit Girl steals the freaking movie. Most intense female superhero E-V-E-R. And she's like, nine. Possibly my favorite superhero ever.
In other news. Things you should watch.
What is it? It's like Kill Bill + Spiderman + Watchmen. Basically it's about a kid with no superpowers at all who goes out to 'fight injustice' and subsequently stumbles upon more legit superheroes and gets mixed up in all sorts of shit. Not for those who can't watch violence. There's some sick action sequences that are reminicent of the Kill Bill series (slow-mo headshots, slicing of heads, etc.) that are a bit intense but still so good. Blah, blah, blah. Now to my actual point. Watch it soley because Hit Girl steals the freaking movie. Most intense female superhero E-V-E-R. And she's like, nine. Possibly my favorite superhero ever.
Basically, she kicks ass. My mediocre fanart does not do her justice.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Things I Would Rather Be Doing Instead of This Speech
- Questing with Team Quest
- Sleeping
- Watching something on Hulu
- Sleeping
- Rocking out at a Lady Gaga/Killers/Bright Eyes concert
- Be laying on a sunny beach somewhere
- Be at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Park
- Playing Super Smash (more) with Shaun
- Training my Pokemon to defeat the next Gym Leader
- Being sung to
- Singing
- Casting the Ring of Power into Mt. Doom
- Aimlessly drawing dresses/superheroes/Lady Gaga Costumes
- Playing Quiddich on the quad
- Driving through scenic farmland
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
CALLING ALL GLEEKS!!!!! And non-Gleeks. Really anyone who can click a mouse....
As you may or may not know, the show 'Glee' (which I love very much and highly recomend you watch) is holding an open casting call via video audition. An incredibly talented friend of mine is auditioning and as an avid blog reader (who owes me big time for this major promotion *sarcasm*) has asked me to appeal to you lovely blog-readers to help him out. All you need to do is
In case you missed it, here it is again:
Once there, watch his adorable self sing and click the button that says
You can continue to click this button as many times as your computer will allow. Blistering may occur on clicker finger, but hey, that's why you've got nine more! Please help Thomas out, he's a super-cool kid and obviously if you're reading this you value my opinion, so take it from me; he deserves as many gold stars as you care to give.
Also, if he gets on 'Glee' I will totally be able to meet Shoe. And Puck. And Finn. And Kirt.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
KRYSTI-MON! I Choose You!
I'm showin this off because Thomas is amazing and has mad photoshop skillz.
Also, cause it's awesome and makes me happy!!! Me as a Pokemon trainer (yeah, I know, Thomas flatters me with his phenom skills but the face looks like me dammit!)
Am I was more excited about this than I should be at my age? You decide. Does it make me wish I'd grabbed my Gameboy Color and Pokemon Blue before I went back to school? Heck yes. Am I the most stylish and questly trainer you ever did see? Well, before you answer you should probably check out his pic of himself, idk if I can beat the glasses and classic Ash pose.
And what mediocrity have I been working on? Well, I'll show it too you very small because it kind of sucks, but here's my unfortunate attempt at a realistic self portrait of myself. Sadly sitting on my desk chair. Bane of my existance.
Cowering behind a masquerade mask. Pitiful. Bane of my existance.
Live long and prosper y'all.
Also, cause it's awesome and makes me happy!!! Me as a Pokemon trainer (yeah, I know, Thomas flatters me with his phenom skills but the face looks like me dammit!)
And what mediocrity have I been working on? Well, I'll show it too you very small because it kind of sucks, but here's my unfortunate attempt at a realistic self portrait of myself. Sadly sitting on my desk chair. Bane of my existance.
Cowering behind a masquerade mask. Pitiful. Bane of my existance.
Live long and prosper y'all.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Possibly the Greatest Video Ever
And I mean it this time.
Tell me that wasn't one of the coolest concepts ever. I dare you.
Tell me that wasn't one of the coolest concepts ever. I dare you.
Midnight Munchie Induced Musings...
I learned:
- People are extremely friendly by around the vending mechines at midnight.
- Watching Family Guy always gives me the midnight munchies.
- The Diehmers are more cunning than you would think.
- All the fresh fruit on campus goes to catering to feed people who don't go to the school.
- Feeding the wildlife near the pond is fun.
- Apperently pillow-fort building is a racially limited thing.
- Awkward situations are better when experienced with someone else.
- Drawing a model's face is awkward, esspecially when they keep making eye contact.
- Technical drawings are hard.
- I need to stop volunteering for things.
- Drunk people are smarter than one gives them credit for.
- MU bought an actually theatre.
- It will never, ever rain when you actually want/need it to.
- Sometimes dressing up for a situation helps
- First floor residents are a lot nicer than I always thought.
- My RA hates us for some reason.
- Once you make an effort to start recycling stuff, it's hard to go back.
- Apperently, the fact that I know who Earth, Wind, and Fire are is more notable than my art project about earth, wind, and fire.
- My little brother may actually miss me a little.
- People need to use libraries more often.
- GLEE TOMORROW! (I didn't learn that, but it's a reminder)
- I'm not a huge fan of group work. Sometimes.
- Technology is a pain in my butt.
- How to draw a pretty dang good nose.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
YAY! You Learn Something New Every Day
LOOK! I can now put videos in my blog posts!! Awesome!!! Enjoy this, I almost died.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Spotted Around Campus
Spotted around campus: HARMONICA BOY!!!!!
Yes, we haven't heard from everyone's favorite car-ride companion in awhile, but today I spotted him in UD and we respectfully ignored one another (in his defense, I don't think he saw me). Also, there have been reports, courtesy of T-Storm, that he's been playing his tunes late at night around campus. Don't lie, you know you missed him...
Spotted around campus: HARMONICA BOY!!!!!
Yes, we haven't heard from everyone's favorite car-ride companion in awhile, but today I spotted him in UD and we respectfully ignored one another (in his defense, I don't think he saw me). Also, there have been reports, courtesy of T-Storm, that he's been playing his tunes late at night around campus. Don't lie, you know you missed him...
Other Blogs to Check Out
So, I'd like to make clear that I have absolutly no affiliation with either of these bloggers, but as a fellow blogger I feel them worth noting. One because her blog literally made me laugh out loud and the second becasue she's a pioneer of sorts into a field that not many have dared to explore. So, if you have a huge deadline you should be meeting, or a paper to write and I haven't posted anything lately, check these two out.
Pick one based on the movie you like:
'Julie & Julia'
'10 Things I Hate About You'
Posting these, I have two motives. One, to expose some fellow bloggers who I think are great in their own ways. And two, to distract you and still provide you with entertainment on days where I don't post :)
G'night all, I've got some deadlines I've been avoiding, so natch I turned to blogging!
Pick one based on the movie you like:
'Julie & Julia'
'10 Things I Hate About You'
Posting these, I have two motives. One, to expose some fellow bloggers who I think are great in their own ways. And two, to distract you and still provide you with entertainment on days where I don't post :)
G'night all, I've got some deadlines I've been avoiding, so natch I turned to blogging!
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