I know you all love it, so it's back (and no I'm not talking about the original 150 Pokemon series). Word of the week! This week our word comes complements of the good folks at AU who were gracious enough to accept me into their ranks dispite the fact that I'm 'straight edge' (haha).
biddie noun [bid-ee]: A biddie, while difficult to define accurately while avoiding confusion, is a college age female who falls under some, most, or all of these descriptions.
-often short/petite
-gullible, easily tricked
-wears spandex pants, a miniskirt barely covering the vag, or anything from American Apparel
-footwear consists of Uggs, boots with fur on them, heels, or some combination of the three
-enjoys Biddie Songs (Low by Flo Rida ft. T-pain, Shake That by Eminem ft. Nate Dogg, etc)
-at least 80% of their facebook pictures would render them unemployable if leaked
-does not remember the last weekend that did not involve a hangover
-the couches in the G street basement are equivalent to a 5-Star Resort
-dreams of being a woman from Desperate Housewives
-Smirnoff Ice = ideal pregame
-"so what's your major?" is absolutely a legit pickup line
-wakes up in weird places
-the purpose of the bathroom/kitchen sink is obviously as a courtesy for you when you get sick
"Ugh as soon as the weather gets nice all the biddies come out again. Are the hybernating or something!?"
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I Feel Everyone Should Read This.
I mean, I'm a smartass, and have been one once or twice on a test (Supe's mostly) but this tops all:
The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry midterm.This person is my hero. G'night all :)
The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :
Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.
One student, however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.
Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell,then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct......leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting 'Oh my God.'
Monday, March 29, 2010
Things I Would Like to Say to Clothing Manufacturers
- Not everyone is a size 0, or 2, 4, or 6 for that matter. Please remember that when sending things to stores.
- Some of us have boobs. This mean that regardless of our acutal size, we will not fit in skimpy bathing suits, tight button downs, low-cut tops, or skin-tight babydoll tshirts without looking like sluts. Which not all of us want to.
- Well made clothes should not cost the arms and legs we need to wear them.
- Please do not make all your good clothes go on sale the only time I have no cash on me and only put ugly clothes out when I do have cash. Thanks.
- Please figure out someway to make stockings never run.
- Stock your clearance racks better.
- Please don't sew the price tags weirdly into the lining of things. Honestly, how am I supposed to deal with that?!
- If something (AKA a prom dress) comes with a little bag of beads, it means that as soon as you put it on all the beads on the dress will fall off. Save yourself the bead money and just sew the first set on well.
- Stop making all the cutest heels be 5 inch stellettos. kThanks.
- I don't care if Brad Pitt drooled on it, a tshirt should nevr cost more than $20, at very maximum.
- Bathing suit people, please try and make enough tops to go with the amount of bottoms, or more if thats what it takes. There are only ever bottoms left on the sale racks.
- No bathing suits shall be for sale whilst there is snow on the ground.
- Someone please figure out how to make flats not shank the backs of feet. It's a growing problem.
- All stores anywhere near a college campus should be well stocked with various styles of rainboots. We need those things.
- Do not have crazy massive sales on shoes that are not my size. Just don't.
- Do not, under any circumstance, plaster your logo/brand name across everything in your store (THAT MEANS YOU AEROPASTEL! HOW DO YOU EVEN SAY YOUR NAME?!?!) We also do not care what year you were founded in.
- If you come up with a classic, beloved design for, say, a flip-flop, do not alter it after several sucessful seasons. *cough* Old Navy *cough*
- More clothes should come with corresponding accessories.
- Please do not put things on sale the week after I buy them.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
WTF iTunes!?!?
Okay, so today I was thinking about how I kind of felt bad for never actually purchasing songs anymore, but getting them from other people or whatever. And I've been meaning to get a copy of Lady Gaga's new CD. So, since today (well, technically yesterday I guess) was her birthday I though to myself 'Hey, fairly decent upstanding citizen, why don't I go and legally purchase the rest of her album of my good old friend iTunes. I've still got a gift cards worth. Awesome, happy birthday Gaga.' Little did I know...
And the music companies wonder why everyone pirates music illegally? Here I am trying to be a good person and pay for my music and four songs cost me almost $5?! I CAN BUY A CD ON SALE FOR THAT MUCH! It's absurd. I understand that recording labels/artists/etc. have the right to be angry about pirating, I understand that it really isn't right to do but at the same time, consumers 'vote' with their money. And if they are 'voting' against current music prices by stealing them instead, that means one of two things. One, what is bring produced is not worth anything or two, they think the prices are unreasonable. Logically, this would mean that the prices are too high. In this day and age people listen to a lot of music, like A LOT, and paying $1.29 for that? That would mean that the music on my iPod currently is worth $1190.67. Now, being resonable, does anyone expect ANYONE to pay that much for music? No. So we're left to either steal it (artists lose money) or buy less of it (artists lose money). Now, not that I can't listen to 'Bad Romance' for days on end, but really, today, 90% of the music buying market has music ADD thanks to the shuffle feature on their iPods, so we really can't survive for very long without a great variety of music. But logically, the solution to this is to raise prices, right? To screw over the people who actually pay for music. Now, I'm not saying that I'm completely guilt free here (I'm not saying I'm not either) but I will say that the price jack just makes me less inclined to buy from iTunes. In fact, I think I'm more likely to run out and buy the CD, because I'm pretty sure if a CD is more than 8 tracks it's cheaper to buy the hard copy, plus you actually own something as opposed to 'buying' a file.
Basically, iTunes should lower prices. That's the bottom line. G'night all.
And the music companies wonder why everyone pirates music illegally? Here I am trying to be a good person and pay for my music and four songs cost me almost $5?! I CAN BUY A CD ON SALE FOR THAT MUCH! It's absurd. I understand that recording labels/artists/etc. have the right to be angry about pirating, I understand that it really isn't right to do but at the same time, consumers 'vote' with their money. And if they are 'voting' against current music prices by stealing them instead, that means one of two things. One, what is bring produced is not worth anything or two, they think the prices are unreasonable. Logically, this would mean that the prices are too high. In this day and age people listen to a lot of music, like A LOT, and paying $1.29 for that? That would mean that the music on my iPod currently is worth $1190.67. Now, being resonable, does anyone expect ANYONE to pay that much for music? No. So we're left to either steal it (artists lose money) or buy less of it (artists lose money). Now, not that I can't listen to 'Bad Romance' for days on end, but really, today, 90% of the music buying market has music ADD thanks to the shuffle feature on their iPods, so we really can't survive for very long without a great variety of music. But logically, the solution to this is to raise prices, right? To screw over the people who actually pay for music. Now, I'm not saying that I'm completely guilt free here (I'm not saying I'm not either) but I will say that the price jack just makes me less inclined to buy from iTunes. In fact, I think I'm more likely to run out and buy the CD, because I'm pretty sure if a CD is more than 8 tracks it's cheaper to buy the hard copy, plus you actually own something as opposed to 'buying' a file.
Basically, iTunes should lower prices. That's the bottom line. G'night all.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Link Overload! Where's Zelda?
ps: enjoy all the random links in the last post, I built up quite a few during the long gap between postings.
Things About College That Bug Me
Now, don't get me wrong, I love college life. The people are fantastic, when it's not miserable out the campus is gorgous, and...the people are great. But, there are a few (the word 'few' being used lightly) things that could be better...and since this is a blog about college life I figured I should be honest to college holisticly, because I learned in psych that's the best way to view everything. College isn't just learning and crafting and celebrity spotting people! It's got its downsides! However, in an effort o stay possitive, I am including possible solutions to these problems as well.
And with that, I take my leave for the night.
Stay tuned sometime in the future for a post on Gender stereotyping! (we just talked about it in psych...interesting stuff...)
- Crazy, grumpy cleaning ladies (get new ones)
- Unreliable busses (put larger clocks up by the drivers seat, make them digital so there's no problem reading them)
- Crazy, grumpy bus drivers that try and take your head off with their side mirrors (fire the bastard!!)
- Black ice on paths (rock salt)
- Black ice in parking lots (rock salt)
- Black ice under large puddles (ROCK SALT!)
- Large puddles when you're not wearing rainboots (more even pathways, wear rainboots everywhere)
- Only one meal per meal period on the meal plan (ditch that rule!)
- Waking up early (there's really no way around this, I've learned)
- Scheduling is a pain (make advisors more well-versed in all aspects of scheduling so that picking classes is slightly easier than solving a rubix cube)
- Smelly dorms (take out the trash on weekends PLEASE! see point one)
- Professors who have super minimal, super-limited office hours (there's nothing really we can do here)
- Smokers gathering outside of every doorway (spritz them with spray bottles everytime you see them until they give up and quit smoking)
- Being super hungry and super lazy and you don't want to go get food (delivery UD! get with it)
- Crappy common rooms; yes our dorm was renovated, but a lot of things have changed since the 1940s! People sit on real couches now! (new furniture)
- Doing laundry (bring it all home)
- Infrequent hugs. I really only hug a few people, and none of those people are anywhere near me right now. Sad, I know. (Keep someone who gives good hugs under bed, lots of hugs on break, be more open with hugging new people)
- Internet randomly going down (FIX THIS NOW)
- Repetitive food. (please, please, please have something other than pasta and succotash for once!!)
- Construction on campus (do it in the summer)
- Hypocryte professors (send undercover administrators to take some classes with 'problamatic teachers' like secret shoppers, only secret students!)
And with that, I take my leave for the night.
Stay tuned sometime in the future for a post on Gender stereotyping! (we just talked about it in psych...interesting stuff...)
Monday, March 22, 2010
She's Crafty (And She's Just My Type)
So, as I write this, I should be doing my art homework. Just so you all know, I want to write for you guys more than do my homework (big shocker). Mom, if you're reading this, I'm just taking a break...
But, in the spirit of all things crafty, I decided I don't really display my crafty side as much as I would like. At college I learned that there is a difference between being artsy and being crafty, and I've embraced the fact that I am a more crafty, stupid gimmicky projects type person rather than a sophisticated and super hip art person. Also, I feel like I'm not that great at the fine arts, I'd rather make t-shirts and monopoly boards and magic Zelda armor and whatnot. So, because I'm celebrating my embracing of my crafty side, I wanted to show off a few past projects (esspecially my most recent ones!). Enjoy:
Magic Zelda Armor
(craft foam, hot glue, spray paint, gems, and keyrings)
I think this may have been one of the most absurd things I've ever made and one of my favorites! Mostly because I'd never even tried anything like this before and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I am, however, still searching for the perfect blue beads to complete it...
Obama Jeans
(jeans, Sharpies)
So, Peas-n-Carrots or any other Republicans reading this might get saucy about these, esspecially in light of the heath care bill passing Sunday, but I'm a democrat, and as such was big on showing my support this past election. I pretty much just drew on a pair of jeans that were ripped beyond repair anyway, but I love them, and they're still in my election box, along with the newpaper from his win and my awesome Sarah Palin book <3.
Beatles Wall Art
(canvas, acrylic paint)
These are currently hanging above my desk *sneaks a look up at them.* I kind of just though they'd be a cool thing to do on the adorable little canvases (about 5x7).
"I'm a Little Teapot"
From Tay-Tay's class in highschool, just a practice drawing that I really liked.
But, in the spirit of all things crafty, I decided I don't really display my crafty side as much as I would like. At college I learned that there is a difference between being artsy and being crafty, and I've embraced the fact that I am a more crafty, stupid gimmicky projects type person rather than a sophisticated and super hip art person. Also, I feel like I'm not that great at the fine arts, I'd rather make t-shirts and monopoly boards and magic Zelda armor and whatnot. So, because I'm celebrating my embracing of my crafty side, I wanted to show off a few past projects (esspecially my most recent ones!). Enjoy:
Magic Zelda Armor
(craft foam, hot glue, spray paint, gems, and keyrings)
I think this may have been one of the most absurd things I've ever made and one of my favorites! Mostly because I'd never even tried anything like this before and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I am, however, still searching for the perfect blue beads to complete it...
Masquerade Masks
(mask, sequins, feathers, dowel rod)
This is my latest project, and is one of three masks I did for an upcoming masquerade ball that my roommates and friend will be attending this weekend. I'm pysched at how they came out, esspecially this one, I love the sequins and feather. And I'm sure I'll be making at least one more for the HCSA formal, which is also masquerade.
Jonas Brothers Sneakers
(canvas sneakers, elmers glue, hot glue, patience, computer printouts)
Probably one of the best gifts I've given. These were the lovechild of an unheathy obsession with the Jonas Brothers (not mine, though Kevin is adorbs) and a good find on a Target clearance rack.
(chain, charms)
Just one of several necklaces I've made over the years, salvaging beads from the clearance rack, my mothers craft stash, and other necklaces. I wear this one the most and get the most compliments though.
Obama Jeans
(jeans, Sharpies)
So, Peas-n-Carrots or any other Republicans reading this might get saucy about these, esspecially in light of the heath care bill passing Sunday, but I'm a democrat, and as such was big on showing my support this past election. I pretty much just drew on a pair of jeans that were ripped beyond repair anyway, but I love them, and they're still in my election box, along with the newpaper from his win and my awesome Sarah Palin book <3.
Beatles Wall Art
(canvas, acrylic paint)
These are currently hanging above my desk *sneaks a look up at them.* I kind of just though they'd be a cool thing to do on the adorable little canvases (about 5x7).
"I'm a Little Teapot"
From Tay-Tay's class in highschool, just a practice drawing that I really liked.
Frankenstein Bag
(masking tape, duct tape, promotional postcards, sweat, blood, tears)
This was annother of my 'best gifts of all time.' Made from about 20 promotional postcards for my school's show that were strewn about the school for months, sadly this bag didn't last quite as long. Though textbook tested, apperently not tested intensly enough, and it died shortly after being recieved. But I love the idea and the end result before it was killed.
So I guess that concludes my little eco-centric trip (although if you're interested more of my stuff can be found on http://www.craftster.org/, my username is bold_as_love) ahope you enjoying seeing my stuff as much as I did making it, and I know that even though I changed my major (but am keeping my art minor) I'll always have crafting to come back to whenever I need some random gift that I'll never be able to find in stores or online for that special occation. But that's all for now, because I have a drawing to finish! God help me!! Ttfn: ta ta for now!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Welcome, welcome, welcome Springtime
Look at this, here I am, posting again! I toldja I'd be back. Todays topic: thing I like vs things I do not like.
Things I Like
Things I Like
- Insanely nice spring weather.
- People swordfighting on the quad.
- When UD's food isn't complete shit.
- Pretzel fish.
- Dressing up (nicely and in costume).
- Not doing homework.
- Sleeping in.
- Not having class on Fridays
- Comments on my formspring *hint*
- Masqurade masks.
- Lady Gaga.
- Spring-y music.
- "You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall and Oates
- Playing rummy (4000).
- Sitting out on the quad.
- Good looking guys playing shirts vs. skins anything on the quad.
- Cleanliness.
- Target.
- Not having speech homework.
- Sequins.
- Mario Kart Double Dash.
- The Zoo.
- That there are no couches in the dorm.
- Always having two art projects due the same day.
- Spray paint.
- Spray gloss.
- Boobs.
- Homework.
- My bangs when they don't feel like straightning.
- Sunburn.
- Waking up for things.
- Smelly dorm rooms.
- People who play frisbee too close to people sitting and enjoying a picnic lunch.
- Alarm clocks.
- Not recycling.
- People who are good looking but assholes (what a waste)
- Schoolwork on the weekends.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
100 POSTS!
Happy 100 Posts Everyone!! To be honest, I didn't think I'd stick with this stupid blog as long as I have, and clearly from my recent lack of posting I'm sure you didn't either. Thanks to all who read, I'm glad someone enjoys my rambling. And to celebrate:
100 Things To Do Before You Die
- Attend at least one major sporting event: the Super Bowl, the Olympics, the U.S. Open.
- Throw a huge party and invite every one of your friends.
- Swim with a dolphin.
- Skydive.
- Have your portrait painted.
- Learn to speak a foreign language and make sure you use it.
- Go skinny-dipping at midnight in the South of France.
- Watch the launch of the space shuttle.
- Spend a whole day eating junk food without feeling guilty.
- Be an extra in a film.
- Tell someone the story of your life, sparing no details.
- Make love on a forest floor.
- Make love on a train.
- Learn to rollerblade.
- Own a room with a view.
- Brew your own beer.
- Learn how to take a compliment.
- Buy a round-the-world air ticket and a rucksack, and run away.
- Grow a beard and leave it for at least a month.
- Give your mother a dozen red roses and tell her you love her.
- Be a member of the audience in a TV show.
- Put your name down to be a passenger on the first tourist shuttle to the moon.
- Send a message in a bottle.
- Ride a camel into the desert.
- Get to know your neighbors.
- Plant a tree.
- Learn not to say yes when you really mean no.
- Write a fan letter to your all-time favorite hero or heroine.
- Visit the Senate and the House of Representatives to see how Congress really works.
- Learn to ballroom dance properly.
- Eat jellied eels from a stall in London.
- Be the boss.
- Fall deeply in love -- helplessly and unconditionally.
- Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia.
- Sit on a jury.
- Write the novel you know you have inside you.
- Go to Walden Pond and read Thoreau while drifting in a canoe.
- Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home (just once).
- Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich.
- Be someone's mentor.
- Shower in a waterfall.
- Ask for a raise.
- Learn to play a musical instrument with some degree of skill.
- Teach someone illiterate to read.
- Be one of the first to take a flight on the new Airbus A380.
- Spend a night in a haunted house -- by yourself.
- Write down your personal mission statement, follow it, and revise it from time to time.
- See a lunar eclipse.
- Spend New Year's in an exotic location.
- Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, instead of just thinking about it.
- Experience weightlessness.
- Sing a great song in front of an audience.
- Ask someone you've only just met to go on a date.
- Drive across America from coast to coast.
- Make a complete and utter fool of yourself.
- Own one very expensive but absolutely wonderful business suit.
- Write your will.
- Sleep under the stars.
- Take a ride on the highest roller coaster in the country.
- Learn how to complain effectively -- and do it!
- Go wild in Rio during Carnival.
- Spend a whole day reading a great novel.
- Forgive your parents.
- Learn to juggle with three balls.
- Drive the Autobahn.
- Find a job you love.
- Spend Christmas on the beach drinking pina coladas.
- Overcome your fear of failure.
- Raft through the Grand Canyon.
- Donate money and put your name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park.
- Buy your own house and then spend time making it into exactly what you want.
- Grow a garden.
- Spend three months getting your body into optimum shape.
- Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring.
- Accept yourself for who you are.
- Learn to use a microphone and give a speech in public.
- Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
- Go up in a hot-air balloon.
- Attend one really huge rock concert.
- Kiss someone you've just met on a blind date.
- Be able to handle: your tax forms, Jehovah's Witnesses, your banker, telephone solicitors.
- Give to a charity -- anonymously.
- Lose more money than you can afford at roulette in Vegas.
- Let someone feed you peeled, seedless grapes.
- Kiss the Blarney stone and develop the gift of gab.
- Fart in a crowded space.
- Make love on the kitchen floor.
- Go deep sea fishing and eat your catch.
- Create your own web site.
- Visit the Holy Land.
- Make yourself spend a half-day at a concentration camp and swear never to forget.
- Run to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
- Create your Family Tree.
- Catch a ball in the stands of a major league baseball stadium.
- Make a hole-in-one.
- Ski a double-black diamond run.
- Learn to bartend.
- Run a marathon.
- Look into your child's eyes, see yourself, and smile.
- Reflect on your greatest weakness, and realize how it is your greatest strength.
carpe die(h)m everyone. happy 1oo. Here's to 1oo more.
Spotted Around My Life
So, as is per usual, I'm taking this opportunity to clear all the random pictures of things I take and put them up on my blog for your personal enjoyment, so enjoy.
I deffinatly posted a picture of this before. It's a toilet paper dispenser in one of the art building bathrooms. Someone wrote "what will you do with your life" and it was there for awhile, so I added "find adventure." The dispenser and wall around it is now covered in other answers.
So, this Spring Break I quested with my favorite questers. And on our journey we decided to go and poke around this incredible cathedrel that we'd all always passed and admired from afar but avoidede actually seeing due to its mysterious affiliations with a certian crocodile-keeping, cult-like religion. Needless to say we ventured in, and were given a full tour of the gorgous place. Just goes to show you that a sense of adventure can get you into all sorts of cool places.
I just thought this was funny/shady so I took a picture.
I love being creepy in the parking lots on campus because people always have the best bumper stickers. I wish I still had the Questmoblie just so I could stick this on the back because it is so insanely accurate.
These are the most incredible things I have ever seen in real life made out of snow. Three igloos that, if you look at the building behind, are taller than the first floor. Completely hallowed out inside too.
Ahh, humanity, your sick and twisted suggestions for going green. Also useful, the person who suggested recycling condoms. Classy. And we wonder why our environment is the shit show that it is...
Found this on the pilliars at the library entrance. Words to live by. I love finding stuff like this.
A Letter to My Loyal Fanbase
Dear Three People Who Still Read My Blog,
If you're out there, I love you and I appreciate you. I want you to know that, dispite how it may seem, what with me not writing anything interesting anymore. I'm sorry. I love you, and I'm sorry, that's all I've got for you. I'll change. God, it sounds like we're breaking up. But, here, I'll make it up to you. Double posts! Here goes:
I'll start by getting you caught up with myself, your favorite blogger. I have now done something that over 80% of college students will do (and no mom, it's not drink, that's 84%): change my major! No longer will I be found prowling the art building, random assorted supplies in hand, scrambling to finish my design projects. Although I'm keeping an art major (I'm only 6 credits away), I am now an Elementary Education major!! Also, to everyones relief (including ours) the Quad will be reuniting next year, same dorm, same room, joined by a whole flock of new freshman in 2A! They'd best be nice too...cause....we're living with them. Other than that, did some questing over break <3 and....yeah.
Things I've Learned:
Also: for those few of you who read this, you should also write on my formspring page, where you can ask me all sorts of things with or without revealing who you are. Challenge me! Why? Because I love talking about myself to anyone who listens and the internet lets me do it without feeling like an ecotistical, pompus ass.
Peace an' Blessins'
If you're out there, I love you and I appreciate you. I want you to know that, dispite how it may seem, what with me not writing anything interesting anymore. I'm sorry. I love you, and I'm sorry, that's all I've got for you. I'll change. God, it sounds like we're breaking up. But, here, I'll make it up to you. Double posts! Here goes:
I'll start by getting you caught up with myself, your favorite blogger. I have now done something that over 80% of college students will do (and no mom, it's not drink, that's 84%): change my major! No longer will I be found prowling the art building, random assorted supplies in hand, scrambling to finish my design projects. Although I'm keeping an art major (I'm only 6 credits away), I am now an Elementary Education major!! Also, to everyones relief (including ours) the Quad will be reuniting next year, same dorm, same room, joined by a whole flock of new freshman in 2A! They'd best be nice too...cause....we're living with them. Other than that, did some questing over break <3 and....yeah.
Things I've Learned:
- No one person on this green earth knows everything that applys to your scheduling. No one person can help you, you need to go and find three different people who each can tell you a small bit of what you seek. You then must solve the riddle of the Spynx and return the Golden Idol to the Hidden Temple. Then you may schedule.
- I'm a crafty person, not an artsy person. I've learnered there is a difference.
- Sunshine can bring college kids out of a dorm faster than if the whole building spontaneously caught fire.
- Apperently, door key swipers are not matience's priority.
- Walking around the building to swipe your key at the back door is a lot more pleasent when spring is here.
- Lady Gaga = <3 (I didn't really learn this, but was re-re-re-reminded)
- There are interesting things to do in Bucks County, even after all these years...
- Craftsmenship is important.
- If I lived in DC I could be making an easy $45/week.
- Some people are actually jackasses. As in, doing pointless things for no other reason than to annoy someone else in a stupid way, like flipping over full recycling bins....wtf?
- Mickey Mouse was originally a rabbit named Oswald until Disney lost the rights to him, so the chopped his ears off and made him a mouse.
- Walking to the education building requires sneakers.
- One can only eat at Galley so many times a week.
- UD gets worse everytime we get back from a break...
- Speech sucks.
- Changing your major is the most stressful/greatest thing ever.
- I can't multiply fractions...
- But I remember what prime factorization is and how to do it.
- There is no greater feeling of relief than when the female model enters the room rather than the male on the first morning class back from break.
Also: for those few of you who read this, you should also write on my formspring page, where you can ask me all sorts of things with or without revealing who you are. Challenge me! Why? Because I love talking about myself to anyone who listens and the internet lets me do it without feeling like an ecotistical, pompus ass.
Peace an' Blessins'
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